

Farmers Bank Rush County, Kansas

La Crosse, Kansas


  • Valentine Dinner - La Crosse - Benefit for the Nekoma One-Room School Project A gala event featuring a gourmet meal and live entertainment for you and your special guest ... more on Valentine Dinner

Upcoming Events in La Crosse Kansas

To La Crosse calendar of events

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Barnard Library

Constructed in 1937 as a WPA project, the library was originally established by Howard Barnard, pioneer educator. A display of Mr. Barnard's books and personal items exemplify his devotion to education.

La Crosse, KS Historic Buildings

Rush County Historical Museum

Housed in an old Santa Fe Depot which has been moved from Timken, Kansas, a town famous for its early family ties with the Timken Roller Bearing Company.

La Crosse, KS Museums

Warren Stone Memorial Lake

While you are visiting La Crosse make sure to stop by the scenic Warren Stone Memorial Lake. The lake is located 2 miles east of La Crosse on K-4 highway and encompasses 2

La Crosse, KS Recreation

Kansas Barbed Wire Museum

The internationally recognized museum displays over 700 varieties of barbed wire and related fencing items. Also housed in the museum is one of the largest collections of fencing tools in the world. Dioramas depict the use of barbed wire in the 19

La Crosse, KS Museums

Rush County Courthouse

The Rush County Courthouse was constructed in 1888 following a "tug-of-war" for the county seat. The building is now listed in the National Register of Historical Places

La Crosse, KS Historic Courthouses

Things to do near La Crosse, KS

Indian Petroglyphs

These old Indian drawings can be found on the west shoreline of Wilson Lake carved in the Dakota Sandstone. It is impossible ...

Belleville Public Libraray WPA Exhibit

Collection of prints of Kansas landmarks, Kansas wildflower paintings, wooden models and dolls. Library also has free wire...