Osborne Co. B-24 Bomber Memorial Dedication Day
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Event Details
First SATURDAY in April. Outdoor dedication of granite memorial to the memory of 11 servicemen killed in WOrld War II B-24-D bomber plane crash on September 22, 1943 in southern part of Osborne County. Main speaker will be Rev. James Akers of Madison, Kansas, State Chaplain of the American Legion for the State of Kansas. Service will start at 11 AM with meal at nearby Covert Creek Lodge following the ceremonies.
Monument site is located 17 miles south, four miles west, and two and a half miles north of Osborne, Kansas, or five miles north, four miles west, and two and a half miles north of Luray, Kansas. The public is invited and all military veterans encouraged to attend.
Osborne Co. B-24 Bomber Memorial Dedication Day
Phone : 866-346-2670 (Always call and confirm events.)
Email Address : ochamber@ruraltel.net
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