Grand National Horses Assoc. Rodeo
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Ending date:
Event Details
The Grand National Horse Association Finals are held at the Sayre Rodeo Arena each year the "Last Full Week of July." Equestrians young and old emerge on the Sayre Rodeo Arena displaying their horsemanship abilities. 8am.
The Junior Rodeo is held annually the week following the GNHA Finals.
Grand National Horses Assoc. Rodeo
Phone : 580-928-3548 (Always call and confirm events.)
Attractions and Upcoming Events
Beckham County Courthouse
The impressive Beckham County Courthouse was built in 1911. If you have watched the movie, "The Grapes of Wrath," it may look familiar to you. It appeared in the brief 30-second montage of shots depicting the beginning of the Joad family's westward journey along Oklahoma Route 66
Sayre, OK Historic CourthousesSayre City Park
The Sayre City Park offers an abundance of activities all within a half-mile radius, such as a well maintained nine-hole golf course with cart rentals available, an 18
Sayre, OK RecreationDowntown Mural
The mural reflects downtown Sayre facing east towards the courthouse. - Artist, B. Cochron, '84
Sayre, OK ArtsShortgrass Country Museum and Historical Society
The Shortgrass Country Museum is one of the important historical landmarks of Sayre. In 1930 the Rock Island Depot was moved from its original site to the center of downtown.
Sayre, OK MuseumsRS & K Railroad Museum
Relive the days when the Railroads brought us everything from soup to hay. Experience the entertainment of twelve model trains running at the same time, different gauges, and over 350 feet of track! See over 100 trains beautifully displayed and lots of memorabilia. Over 30
Sayre, OK Museums