

Troy, Kansas

Upcoming Events in Troy Kansas


30 - 1 Picker's Paradise - The Seekers of Light and Knowledge (SLK) will sponsor Pickers’ Paradise Plus at the Troy Community Building on Friday from noon to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Antiques, vintage and new sheet music and music books, antique books, crafts, plants, vintage items, collectibles, furniture, quilts, photography, Tupperware, jewelry, origami owl, Mary Kay, Avon, and more will be for sale.

There have been 19 booths signed up so far, with more vendors inquiring about booth space daily. All SLK profits will go toward scholarships for local high school students

Ph: 785-985-2751 (Always call and confirm events)


21 - 25 Doniphan County 4-H Fair - End of July - The fairgrounds host a variety of civic club activities and are made available by reservation to citizens for a variety of events.

Ph: 785-985-3623 (Always call and confirm events)


11 - 13 Annual Great U.S. Highway 36 Treasure Hunt - Join us for mile after mile of garage sales and yard sales all along the 400 miles of U.S. 36 Highway in Kansas. From Elwood to St Francis overlooking the Missouri River to the Colorado border, 13 Counties. Lodging is available along the way so pack a bag and join us for the event.

US 36 sweeps the traveler along a pleasant, scenic highway from the wide Missouri River in northeast Kansas corn country through lush, rolling hills and friendly towns to the yucca-studded, semi-arid High Plains of western Kansas.

Join us for mile after mile of garage sales and yard sales all along the 400 miles of U.S. 36 Highway in Kansas. Lodging is available along the way so pack a bag and join us for the event.

US 36 sweeps the traveler along a pleasant, scenic highway from the wide Missouri River in northeast Kansas corn country through lush, rolling hills and friendly towns to the yucca-studded, semi-arid High Plains of western Kansas.

The Treasure Hunt is sponsored by the U.S. 36 Highway Association & Local Tourism organizations/Chamber of Commerce.


The Treasure Hunt is sponsored by the U.S. 36 Highway Association & Local Tourism organizations/Chamber of Commerce.

Ph: 785-877-3968 (Always call and confirm events)

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Doniphan County Courthouse

The Courthouse is on the National Historic Register. The beautiful woodwork and floors give the feeling of history as it was lived long ago.

Troy, KS Historic Courthouses

Nelson Rodgers House

Constructed in 1856, this is the oldest structure in Troy. The one-and-a-half story center-gable house is constructed of hand-hewn timbers. The corner posts are hand-hewn cottonwood and the windows contain some original hand made glass. Nelson Rodgers, the town'

Troy, KS Famous Homes

Tall Oak Sculpture

Mr. Peter Wolf Toth came to Troy to sculpt Kansas' Indian monuments, the twenty-ninth in a series. Mr. Toth's goal in life was to complete at least one sculpture in each of the fifty states. To date, he has done 67

Troy, KS Arts

Old Fashioned Hardware

The old fashioned hardware store on the historic courthouse square in Troy hasn't changed much in over a century. You can still see the original manual operated elevator that continuous to serve the store today.

Troy, KS Historic Buildings

Self Guided Byre and Bluff Barn Tour

Take the self guided barn tour to view Byre and Bluff barns. Their scarcity makes them extremely rare. Many are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Troy, KS Tours

Things to do near Troy, KS

Banner Creek Fishing

Banner Creek Resevoir has been stocked with Largemouth Bass, Channel Cat, Flathead Catfish, Crappie, Redar Sunfish, Bluegill,...

Banner Creek Swimming

Swimming and wading are allowed only in the designated swimming beach area within the markers. There is no lifegaurd on duty ...