

Sharon Springs, Kansas

Upcoming Events in Sharon Springs Kansas


20 - 21 Wallace County Health Fair - 2nd Weekend - The surrounding hospitals give free screenings and distribute information on health.


3 Wallace County Cruizers Car and Bike Show - Always the First Saturday in May. Registration and Show start at 8:00 am. Awards at 2:00 pm. Raffle Drawings. Community Garage Sales are held the same weekend.

Ph: 785-852-4319 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Car entry fees $25

24 - 25 Ft. Wallace Rodeo - Cowboys and Cowgirls from six states are competing for top prize monies for fast times and high scores. Traditionally, the Fort Wallace Rodeo is one of the best amateur rodeos in the state of Kansas, in a wide open non-crowded atmosphere. A boot scouting good time will be at the dance held on Saturday evening after the rodeo. The rodeo is held annually the last weekend in May.

Be sure to visit the Fort Wallace Museum while your at the Rodeo Grounds.

Please contact the Wallace County Economic Development Office for other activities. 785-852-4935

Address: Hwy 40 , Sharon Springs, Kansas
Ph: 785-852-4702 (Always call and confirm events)


24 - 26 Wallace County Free Fair - Last Weekend - The home-owned carnival is one example of what this county is all about. All rides, food concessions, and games are manned by local people. Step right up and buy a handful of tickets and enjoy the evenings. How can you resist the sparkle and laughter of the children as they run from one ride to another?

Address: Hwy 27 , Sharon Springs, Kansas
Ph: 785-852-4285 (Always call and confirm events)


8 Childrens Shopping Day - Santa will be making his way to Wallace County to help the kids find the perfect Christmas gift for their loved ones. There are booths for the kids to purchase unique gifts or booths where they will be able to make a special gift like "Cookies In A Jar" with the help of elves. All gifts are priced under $10. Make sure and be in Wallace County for this fun filled Saturday. Other events going on are the Last Chance Craft Fair, Free Kids Movie with pop and popcorn, and much more. Please give me a call for more information!

Address: 229 N. Gardner , Sharon Springs, Kansas
Ph: 785-852-4935 (Always call and confirm events)

8 Annual Last Chance Craft Fair - Many different craft items displayed. A great chance to start or finish your Christmas Shopping. Don't forget while in town have your kids visit Santa at his workshop for Childrens Shopping Day. 9:00am - 2:00pm

Address: High School Gymnasium , Sharon Springs, Kansas
Ph: 785-821-1837 (Always call and confirm events)

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Mt. Sunflower

Mt. Sunflower was designated as Kansas highest point in 1961. A United States Geological Survey officially plotted the elevation at 4039 feet. True mountains are called such because of a 2000 foot difference in altitude in a 10-20

Sharon Springs, KS Natural Attractions

Fort Wallace Museum

On the grounds of the Fort Wallace Museum visitors will find the original Pond Creek Stage Station, built in 1865 as a "home station"

Sharon Springs, KS Museums

Old Post Cemetery

All that remains of the original Fort Wallace now is the old post cemetery, enclosed by stone walls within the Wallace Township cemetery. In December of 1885, the U.S. Government extricated the bodies of 88 soldiers with headstones marked between 1867-1879

Sharon Springs, KS Cemeteries

Fort Wallace

Fort Wallace was first called Camp Pond Creek and was established in September, 1865, about one-and-a-half miles southwest of present Wallace. The soldiers were moved about a year later to a site further west along the Smoky River, where the fort was built.

Sharon Springs, KS Forts

Trail Rides

The historic Butterfield Trail is a popular trail that people still use for trail rides today. The Butterfield Overland Dispatch Trail surveyed in 1865 was originally used in 1859 by gold seekers as the fastest way to get to the Colorado mines.

Sharon Springs, KS Trail Rides

Things to do near Sharon Springs, KS

Oakley Country Club

We have a challenging nine-hole, grass greens golf course where you can play anytime. ...