Tallassee, Alabama
Upcoming Events in Tallassee Alabama
21 |
Tallassee Trade Day
- 301-A King Street—Arts, crafts, entertainment, rides. Fee: Free |
17 - 20 |
Battles for the Armory
- Civil War Reenactment of the local Battles of Chehaw and Franklin. Hundreds of Reenactors, Artillary, Calvary, Flags, Muskets. Living History Demonstrations on School Day, Thursday Nov. 10th, Tallasse Confederate Heritage Day on Friday, Nov. 11th. Battles at 2PM Sat Nov. 12th and Sunday Nov. 13th. Period Ball with Period music on Saturday Night at Barn on site. Peroid Church Service on Sunday Morning. Confederate Clothing Vendors, Food Venders and lots of Southern hospitality Address: Rifle Range Road (Elmore Co. Road #4) , Tallassee, Alabama |
19 - 20 |
Battles for the Armory
- Civil War Reenactments portraying the Battles of Chehea and Franklin. School day on Friday, November 11th, Living Histories all three days, plus venders, period music, period ball and period church service on Sunday. Address: Tallassee (Elmore County Road #4) , Tallassee, Alabama |