Centre, Alabama
Upcoming Events in Centre Alabama
24 - 27 |
Hwy 411 Yard Sale
- Yard sale vendors set up along the U.S. Hwy 411 route from Leeds, AL to Knoxville, TN, passing through Cherokee County. Lots of antiques and other bargains along the way. Contact the local chamber of commerce for more information on each area. Address: Hwy 411 from Leeds, AL to Knoxville, TN , Centre, Alabama |
27 |
Centre Fall Festival
- Arts and crafts, parade at 10:30, children's fun run at 8am, food, antique cars and tractors, games, rides. 256-927-5222 for vendor information Address: Downtown , Centre, Alabama |
27 |
City of Centre Christmas Parade
- Christmas Parade of over 100 entries, including floats from schools, churches, business, civic clubs. Bands, Antique Car & Tractors, Shriners, saddle clubs and much more. Line up 5 pm, Parade rolls 6 pm. 256-927-5222 to enter Address: Centre, Alabama , Centre, Alabama |