Tombstone, Arizona
Adobe Lodge Motel
520-457-2241 | 888-457-2241
5th & Fremont St
Tombstone, AZ 85638Best Western Lookout Lodge
520-457-2223 | 800-OK-CORRAL
Hwy 80
Tombstone, AZ 85638Holiday Inn Express
Tombstone, AZ 85638Larian Motel
Fremont between 4th and 5th St
Tombstone, AZ 85638Larian Motel
410 East Fremont Street
Tombstone, AZ 85638San Jose Boarding House
5th & Fremont St.
Tombstone, AZ 85638Tombstone Motel
520-457-3478 | 888-455-3478
Fremont between 5th and 6th St
Tombstone, AZ 85638Tombstone Sagebrush Inn
4th & Bruce St.
Tombstone, AZ 85638Trailriders Inn
520-457-3573 | 800-574-0417
7th between Fremont & Safford St.
Tombstone, AZ 85638