

Mayville, North Dakota

Upcoming Events in Mayville North Dakota


4 - 6 Mayville-Portland 125th Anniversary/Summerfest - Three days of family fun. All-school reunion. Children's activities, parade, street fair, tractor pull, horse pull, Sunday in the park and lots more.

Address: Mayville , Mayville, North Dakota
Ph: 701-786-3160 (Always call and confirm events)

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Mayville, ND

Dale and Martha Hawk Museum

Unique collection of antique farm equipment, steam engines, tractors, threshers, autos, 500 clocks, country store, one-room s...

Maple River Winery

Tours daily and by appointment. Fun-filled time awaits visitors to the winery. See and sample the wine as it brews in large v...

Adams Fairview Bonanza Farm

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Built in the 1880s and remodeled in 1904. House and six other buil...

Sky Dancer Hotel and Casino

Nestled in the heart of the beautiful Turtle Mountains, Sky Dancer Hotel and Casino is the perfect respite from the road, day...

Fall Family Fun on the Farm

Educational tours by appointment mid-September through Oct. 31; summer school groups all summer; miniature golf, yard activit...