

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Missouri River Basin Lewis and Clark Interpretive

The focus will be on more than 400 scientific discoveries of flora (178 plants) and fauna, (122 animals) made at President Thomas Jeffersons direction on their historic Corps of Discovery Journey from 1803-1806.

Nebraska City, NE Tours

Taylor - Wessel - Brickel House
(Nelson House)

The Taylor - Wessel - Bickel House is one of the oldest homes in the state and the finest example of Greek Revival Architecture. In the late 1850

Nebraska City, NE Museums

Wildwood Historic Home and Art Barn

When Jasper Ware, an early Nebraska City banker took his wife, Ellen Kinney, to the west edge of town, pointed out the heavily wooded area south of Arbor Lodge, and said he wanted to build her a country home on the site, she responded, "Oh Jasper, I couldn't live in these wild woods!"

Nebraska City, NE Museums

Farmers Bank & Trust Co.

The Nebraska City Post Office, built in 1886, was a Richardson style building that would attract anyone's attention. Roughly around the same time, Farmers Bank and Trust Company was established. The bank was the only locally owned bank in Nebraska City at the time.

After nearly 100

Nebraska City, NE Historic Buildings

Things to do near Nebraska City, NE

Blue Springs or Wonder Site

The Blue Springs Site is an early nineteenth century Pawnee village on a prominent hilltop overlooking the Big Blue River. Wh...