Mountain Laurel Inn Bed and Breakfast
624 Road 948Mentone AL 35984
Ph: 256-634-4673
Mountain Laurel Inn, nestled in the woods on the canyon below DeSoto Falls, offers a quiet elegance on Lookout Mountain near the historic town of Mentone, Alabama. Set on seven acres that resemble a magical, enchanted forest, Mountain Laurel Inn's guesthouse offers four rooms and an apartment, all with private entrance, bath, and other amenities. Guests enjoy the porches with rockers and the ten-minute walk to DeSoto Falls. A separate main house is where guests gather for family-style full breakfasts after having coffee delivered to their door before breakfast. A view of the woods and the peace and quiet can be enjoyed through the full size windows during breakfast, while rocking on the covered porches at the guesthouse or swinging in the hammock.
Open year round reservations 9 a.m.-9 p.m.