Desperadoes, ruffians, robbers and horse thieves all "bunked" here in this early day calaboose (jail), built in 1849. It was said to be the only jail on the Santa Fe Trail at the time. Other Durland Park attractions:
Council Grove, KS Pioneer LifeLike its name warns, this store was once the "last chance" for travelers on the Santa Fe Trail to buy supplies for their journey to New Mexico. Built in 1857, the limestone structure is the oldest commercial building in Council Grove and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places
Council Grove, KS Pioneer HistoryPerched high on a hill overlooking the town and Neosho River valley below, this bell was erected in 1866 to warn townsfolk of Indian raids. It also served as a school and church bell for nearly 30 years.
Council Grove, KS MonumentsCouncil Grove town founder, Seth Hays, built this home in 1867. His slave, Aunt Sally, lived in the basement and cared for Hays and his adopted daughter, Kittie Robbins, until her death in 1872. Hays died a year later, February 3, 1873
Council Grove, KS MuseumsView a collection of over 3000 dolls in an area of 2800 square feet. You will also have the opportunity to watch dolls being ...