


The Stafford Mall

111 S. Main
Stafford KS 67578
Ph: 620-234-5633
Additional Information
Over 3000 square feet of glassware, collectables, antiques, crafts, primitives, toys, and all types of collectables. Come on in and browse awhile. You will be pleasently surprised at the number of items from little to large. Something for Everyone. We look forward to visiting with you as you are always welcome at the Stafford Mall.
Hours of Operation
Monday thru Saturday----10am to 5pm
Sunday------------------12noon to 5pm

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Stafford County Historical Museum

This 21-room museum depicts the Stafford County's history through artifacts dating from the 1800's to the present. A wealth of regional data is maintained in the genealogical libray.

Stafford, KS Museums

Stafford County Country Club

Stafford County Country Club is a 9 hole golf course with grass greens. It's open to the public; pay when you play. For groups it'

Stafford, KS Golf Courses

Memorial Library

The Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library is a memorial to the only daughter of two of the town's leading citizens. The building is built of red brick, and has beautiful beveled glass windows, gargoyle rain spouts, 20

Stafford, KS Historic Buildings

Santa Fe Depot

In 1886 the first iron horse, the train, thundered into Stafford. The line was the Chicago-Kansas and Western. This was changed to the Santa Fe ten years later. The AT&SF railroad runs east/

Stafford, KS Railroad History

Things to do near Stafford, KS

The Conway Springs Madstone

It is recalled that Dr. William Monnet had a madstone and people of that time felt much safer in this wild new country with a...

Free RV Campground

Welcome Travelers! Our facility is intended for your short term use as you travel. The campground is equipped with electri...