

Wolfe's Flower & Gifts Shop

113 W. 8th Street
La Crosse KS 67548
Ph: 785-222-2823

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Rush County Courthouse

The Rush County Courthouse was constructed in 1888 following a "tug-of-war" for the county seat. The building is now listed in the National Register of Historical Places

La Crosse, KS Historic Courthouses

Warren Stone Memorial Lake

While you are visiting La Crosse make sure to stop by the scenic Warren Stone Memorial Lake. The lake is located 2 miles east of La Crosse on K-4 highway and encompasses 2

La Crosse, KS Recreation

Kansas Barbed Wire Museum

The internationally recognized museum displays over 700 varieties of barbed wire and related fencing items. Also housed in the museum is one of the largest collections of fencing tools in the world. Dioramas depict the use of barbed wire in the 19

La Crosse, KS Museums

Post Rock Museum

The museum displays an authentic re-creation of a stone quarry used to cut posts for fencing. Also displayed are tools and other items depicting the history of post rock unique to this region. The museum is located in a native stone house built around 1883

La Crosse, KS Museums

Barnard Library

Constructed in 1937 as a WPA project, the library was originally established by Howard Barnard, pioneer educator. A display of Mr. Barnard's books and personal items exemplify his devotion to education.

La Crosse, KS Historic Buildings

Things to do near La Crosse, KS

Nova Theater

The restoration of the NOVA Theatre has been a community effort. Stockton is proud to once again open its doors for the publ...