

Brass Ring Lounge

2201 Osborne Dr. E
Hastings NE
Ph: (402) 463-8387

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Sandhill Crane Migration

Fossil records reveal the sandhill cranes have been visiting this region for more than nine million years. For five weeks each spring, visitors to the Platte River valley in south-central Nebraska can enjoy the symphony of sounds and dancing rituals of 90 percent of the world'

Hastings, NE Recreation

The Burlington Depot

Adams County, and Hastings in particular, are "children of the railroads," having been founded and sustained by rail companies between the 1870s and 1960s. Hastings owes is very existence to an intersection of two

Hastings, NE Railroad History

Victory Building

The Victory Building, named to commemorate America's victory in World War I, is one of Nebraska's finest examples of early 20th Century industrial architecture. It was constructed between 1917 and 1920 by harness maker William

Hastings, NE National Register

Antioch School (District 20 School)

Adams County School District 20 was formed on September 23, 1872. Replacing sod and frame structures, the red brick schoolhouse was built in 1902

Hastings, NE National Register

Nebraska Loan and Trust Company

Cities and agricultural areas need capital to finance growth. Nebraska Loan and Trust Company, organized in 1882 with James B. Heartwell as need in Hastings by providing a means for Eastern Capitalists to invest in Nebraska real estate mortgages. In 1883-84

Hastings, NE National Register

Things to do near Hastings, NE

Willa Cather Memorial Prairie

Five miles south of Red Cloud, Nebraska, the Willa Cather Memorial Prairie is a botanical treasure consisting of 608 acres of...

Gibbon Heritage Museum

The museum is housed in the oldest standing church in Buffalo County. It contains a library of photographs dating back to 187...