

Author Robert Ruisi

Hazlet NJ 07730
Ph: 732-264-5186

Author Robert L Ruisi: born in Manhattan, New York, USA I spent most of my life in New Jersey. As a child I was known to tell a good story or two! If there was something to bump into, I sure did do that a lot too. Life was like trying to find your way in the dark! One day after becoming ill with Dementia and markers for Alzheimer's disease I woke up and was able to write! I have no idea where it comes from and I don't dare question it. I hope that you enjoy what I've written and that it helps you to learn to cherish and appreciate the smaller things that life has to offer along with your children.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Hazlet, NJ

Froggers Fun Factory

Indoor amusements and skating....

MonAlyssa Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria

Every entrée is cooked to order and dietary restrictions are catered to. On and off premises catering is also available as w...

Seaside Waverunners

Waverunners, boat rentals....

North Beach

Beach fee, beach on ocean....

Sandy Hook Unit of Gateway National Recreation Area

Sandy Hook is a 2,044-acre barrier beach peninsula at the northern tip of the New Jersey Shore. The park includes seven miles...