Toledo OH 43613
Ph: 419-509-1285
Have you ever read the classified ads and wished there was more of a description of the item(s) for sale? Do you then wish you could see a picture of the item(s) to make a better decision? Or, how about wanting to place an ad, but not wanting to pay the hefty prices for just 2-3 lines of description?
Relax - we understand! is here as your one stop advertising resource for garage sales, vehicles and miscellaneous items. The purpose of our site is to allow sellers to describe their item(s) for sale, but also to show detailed pictures so buyers can make a better judgment on purchasing an item(s). This allows the viewers to be aware of any flaws the item(s) may have such as dings, dents, scratches, or wear before they make a decision to come to the sale and buy.
To view current garage sales, vehicles or miscellaneous items, simply click on the appropriate picture. If you would like to search for a specific area in a garage sale or to see if there are any specific items for sale, just type it in the keyword search. For example, you can type 43615, Main St., boats, cars, refrigerators, or whatever it is you are looking for. If someone has an ad placed for advertisment, it will pull up for you. You can then take a look at the ad, click on photos to enlarge for better viewing and also contact the seller either via phone or email, or both for any questions you may have. You can also Google map to know the exact location of the sale.
Like what you see and want to advertise with us? What are you waiting for? Let our Service staff help you create an ad that sounds professional and looks great. By clicking on the 'SERVICES' tab in the upper right hand corner, you will be able to view our advertising package and get started selling your items tomorrow.And remember "if a picture is worth a 1000 words-we'll give ya 20!"