

Pizza Hut

105 Loop Dr.
Cherokee OK 73728
Ph: 580-596-3514

Attractions and Upcoming Events

First United Methodist/Episcopal Church

The beautiful United Methodist Church of Cherokee was built in 1918

Cherokee, OK Historic Churches

Alfalfa County Museum

The Alfalfa County Museum occupies the 1929 National Historic Cherokee Hotel, that to this day is the tallest four story building in Alfalfa County. Currently the museum'

Cherokee, OK Museums

Alfalfa County Courthouse and War Memorial

The Alfalfa County Courthouse was built in 1921

Cherokee, OK Historic Courthouses

Salt Flats and Selenite Crystals

The salt plains are a unique geological area. Visitors may enjoy viewing the near perfectly flat 11,000-acre barren area with the wafer thin salt crust or dig for the Famous Salt Plains selenite crystals with the hour-glass sand inclusion.

Cherokee, OK Natural Attractions

Things to do near Cherokee, OK

Canton Lake Fishing Report

This is just to remind you that fishing reports are given with the best intentions to help you catch fish. And do remember fi...

Natural Gas Industry Marker

This granite marker, located on the grounds of Regional Park on Highway 3, explains the history and importance of the Natural...