City of Cherokee RV Park
300 N. GrandCherokee OK 73728
Ph: 580-596-3052
The salt plains are a unique geological area. Visitors may enjoy viewing the near perfectly flat 11,000-acre barren area with the wafer thin salt crust or dig for the Famous Salt Plains selenite crystals with the hour-glass sand inclusion.
Cherokee, OK Natural AttractionsAn ever-flowing "Artesian well" spring is located northeast of Cherokee, Oklahoma, and provides a cool drink for travelers and a "fill-your-own-container" source of water for many homes of the area. In 2003
Cherokee, OK Natural AttractionsThe beautiful United Methodist Church of Cherokee was built in 1918
Cherokee, OK Historic ChurchesThe Alfalfa County Courthouse was built in 1921
Cherokee, OK Historic CourthousesMedford's Golf course is a 9-hole course located North of the Industrial Park. ...