Belk, Alabama
Upcoming Events in Belk Alabama
Belk Southern Gospel Concert
- Held on the 1st Thursday evening of each month, 6:30 pm until 9:00 pm, this concert features the best in Southern Gospel Music. Hosts, Doug and Iva Gardner Wooten sing solos and duets and have several other soloists, trios and duets plus a featured group each month. Groups featured since beginning in January 2010 have included the McAdams Trio, Songs of Faith, Sexton Family, Fields Trio, Glenn Fowler Family, Wesley Chapel Trio, Stateline Harmoneers, Singing Bryants and many others. Audiences range from a low of 45 (in the snow and ice) to over 110 and come from Fayette and all surrounding counties as well as Jefferson County, Shelby County and from Mississippi. Many performers on the program also come from many of these places too. Our goal is to provide the best in Southern Gospel Music, featuring regional talent, and always to have a program that is spiritually uplifting and God honoring. There is no admission charge. An offering is received each month to defray expenses and provide an honorarium for the featured group. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come be with us each Ist Thursday evening. Ph: 205-932-6021 (Always call and confirm events) |