

Hampton, Connecticut

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Goodwin Conservation Center

2,000-acre forest with Nature Center, trails, 133

Hampton, CT Conservation Centers

Safe Haven B&B

90-acre Alpaca farm located at the gates of the Quiet Corner, with fishing in stocked river, hiking trail. Three rooms (1 suite, 1 efficiency), TV;

Hampton, CT Bed and Breakfasts

Trail Wood: The Edwin Way Teale Memorial Sanctuary

168-acres of fields, forest, ponds, streams, and four miles of trails. Museum, Pulitzer prize winning nature author Edwin W. Teale?

Hampton, CT Trails

Things to do near Hampton, CT

Hilton Mystic

183 units (11 suites), rest., lounge, ent., I pool, exercise room....

Family Fun Trail

Quality time for you and your family! Explore Southern Connecticut…Children's Museum of SE CT, Denison Pequotsepos Nature Cen...

Feather Hill B&B

19th Century center hall Colonial located on 10 acres with bordering a state park with hiking trails. Four-season porch, livi...

Noank Historical Society

Maritime exhibits including sailboat sloop Jeff Brown, history of the fishing industry, local memorabilia, early 20th-century...

U.S. Coast Guard Academy

One of the nation's four military academies. Museum spans the 200-year history America?s premier maritime service. Tall ship ...