

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Wakefield Museum

The Wakefield Museum is located in downtown Wakefield and houses exhibits on the history of the Wakefield area, including a display about former Kansas Governor Bill Avery. There is also alot of information for the people doing genealogy research.

Wakefield, KS Museums

Outdoor Recreation


The smell of sizzling bacon and coffee perking after a restful night under stars ... can make an evening of camping a complete weekend retreat.

Wakefield, KS Recreation

Kansas Landscape Arboretum

The Kansas Landscape Arboretum offers a glimpse of Kansas nature at its best. As you stroll through over 193 wooded acres you can see over 1,000 species of trees and shrubs, Bronze plaques along the Memorial Tree Walk identify over 100

Wakefield, KS Arboretums

Things to do near Wakefield, KS

Eureka's Founding Spring

Located behind the fire station in the creek (Walker's Run) is Eureka's founding spring, now enclosed. It was here, in 1857, ...