

Lyons, Kansas

Upcoming Events in Lyons Kansas


Treasure Chest Flea Market and Farmers Market and Crafters - Let's give the people what they want! Vendors Needed! Crafters and Collectors welcome. Lyons, Kansas setup in an untapped area with a 60 mile radius. Flea market and Farmers Market starting February 2014, every Saturday and Sunday until the weather stops it! In case of bad weather, the event will be moved to the following weekend.

Spaces: $30 in advance one day rental;
$25 a day 2 day rental;
$20 a day 3 day rental
(registration prior to FEB 01)
Only 100 spaces available, so get yours today!(Walk-ins welcome if available after Feb 2014)

Located behind Treasure Chest Second Hand at 1004 Main St in Lyons KS. Call for directions and information

Home Phone___________________________
Cell Phone____________________________
How many spaces do you need (10x20)?
# of Spaces_______ and #of days X $30/ $25/ $20 (Circle correct amount. Refer to prices above)=Total $__________

Address: 1004 Main St , Lyons, Kansas
Ph: 620-719-0223 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Space Fee


19 Annual Easter Egg Hunt - Easter Egg Hunt takes place on the historic courthouse and is free to all children up to the 2nd grade level. The Easter Egg Hunt takes place the Saturday before Easter.

Ph: 620-257-2842 (Always call and confirm events)


2 - 4 All Year Lyons High School Reuninon - A return to Yesteryear with nostalgia galore.
Social events everyday, evening events, Golfing and more

Fun to be had by the events of the mind (remembering).
All School, All years reunion in Lyons, KS

Address: Celebration Center, US 56 , Lyons, Kansas
Ph: 408-252-1901 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Info in Registration Packet


28 Christmas In July Antique, Art and Handmade Craft - Christmas In July Antique, Art and handmade craft Fair.
Saturday July 9, 2016 9am to 3pm.
Indoor and outdoor shopping. Rain or shine.
Celebration Centre, 1145 E 56 Hwy, Lyons Kansas
Call Michelle at 620-257-5390

Address: 1145 East Highway 56 , Lyons, Kansas
Ph: 6202575390 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Free


13 Annual Fair On The Square - FOURTH SATURDAY - The Fair on the Square is a day to enjoy arts, crafts, and food around the historic courthouse square.

Address: Downtown Courthouse Square , Lyons, Kansas
Ph: 620-257-2842 (Always call and confirm events)


1 Veterans' Day Parade - The Parade is open to everyone and especially Veterans! The parade route goes around Lyons' Historic Courthouse. Closest Saturday to Veteran's Day. 10:30am.

15 - 14 Santa Visits - Santa has a house located up town and visits all children wishing to see him on Saturday and Sunday afternoons starting after Thanksgiving and running until Christmas.

15 Annual Lighted Christmas Parade, Bazaar & Chili Feed - The Christmas Bazaar & Parade are held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The Bazaar is held out at the Rice County Community Building from 9am to 2pm. And the Parade is at 7pm up on the square.

Ph: 620-257-2842 (Always call and confirm events)

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Buffalo Bill Mathewson's Well

In 1863, "Buffalo" Bill Mathewson opened a trading post next to Cow Creek Crossing. His hand-dug, 34

Lyons, KS Landmarks

Rice County Courthouse

The historic Rice County Courthouse built of red brick and featuring a four directional clock tower was built in 1910

Lyons, KS Historic Courthouses

Father Padilla Cross and Historic Marker

This cross was erected in 1950 by the Kansas Knights of Columbus to honor Father Juan Padilla who accompanied Coronado to Kansas in 1541. He returned in 1542

Lyons, KS Landmarks

Union Soldiers Memorial

Proudly displayed on the Northeast corner of the Lyons Town Square stands the Memorial erected in 1918 to commenorate the service of our Union Soldiers - "Lest We Forget".

Lyons, KS Memorials

Coronado Quivira Museum

Sponsored by the Rice County Historical Society, the Coronado Quivira Museum has on display artifacts representing the Quiviran Indian culture, Coronado's journey to this area in 1541, the Santa Fe Trail, 1821 to 1872, and Rice County, 1902

Lyons, KS Museums

Things to do near Lyons, KS

Old Mill Plaza

The Old Mill Plaza was built in 1879 by Monarch Steam Mills. It was purchased in 1886 by Bernhard Warkentin, who needed the m...