

Lenexa, Kansas

Upcoming Events in Lenexa Kansas


28KS0503005e002 - Lenexa "Firecracker" Pet Fair - Come early to preview pet information and demos from animal businesses and organizations. Highlights of the show will include an annual Children's Pet Show (for children 12 years of age or younger and their pets). Come see LIVE monkeys as well as LIVE entertainment.

Ph: 913-541-0209. (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Admission is free to all.

13 - 14KS0503005e001 - Lenexa Great Lenexa Barbeque Battle - The Great Lenexa Barbeque Battle started in 1982 with twelve contestants and twelve judges. On April 27, 1984, Governor John Carlin, declared the contest the official Kansas State Championship. The contest has grown to its current size of 165 contestants and 240 judges.

The contest is always held on the fourth Saturday of June each year. It is held at Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park. Some people think the park should be renamed to Char-Co-Par Trails Park for that weekend.

The contest attracts cookers from all over the country. They will compete over two days for the coveted title of Grand Champion of the Great Lenexa Barbeque Battle, Kansas State Champion.

The fun begins on Friday as 175 teams begin arriving with some of the most unique smoking contraptions imaginable. They bring with them secret recipes that they hope will help aid them in winning the contest. As the teams prepare their cooking sites the park comes alive with entertainment, children's activities, and live music Friday night.

The real contest begins Saturday as the judging tent buzzes with activity preparing for the first barbeque samples to arrive around Noon. 240 judges have the hard task of identifying the best barbeque among seven different categories including; brisket, pork, ribs, sausage, chicken, whole animal and miscellaneous.

Address: 14907 W 87th St, Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park , Lenexa, Kansas
Ph: 913-477-7130 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Fri., $5.00; Sat., Free

17KS0503005e004 - Lenexa Annual Super Swim Splash - This annual event has been such a success that we will continue the fun activities again this year. Join us at Ad Astra Pool for a fun filled evening of games, activities, music, and prizes for the whole family. Live entertainment. 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.

Ph: 913-541-0209 (Always call and confirm events)


24KS0503005e006 - Lenexa Community Days Parade - Join us and thousands of spectators on July 4th as we parade through the downtown area. The parade will start at 10:00 a.m. with the judging area in downtown Lenexa. Awards will be presented in the front lawn area of Don Bonjour School just after the parade.

Join us for the largest fireworks display in the KC metro area. The City of Lenexa will partner with the City of Shawnee and Johnson County Parks & Recreation for a spectacular fireworks display with an incredible grand finale. Fireworks will begin at 9:45 p.m. and last for approximately 20 minutes. The best viewing of this great display will be in Shawnee Mission Park. Come early to stake out your spot!

Ph: 913-477-7130 (Always call and confirm events)

4KS0503005e005 - Lenexa Annual Lenexa Freedom Run - Each year, runners and walkers of all activity levels participate in this family-friendly event. Participants may choose the 5K course or 10K course, which are flat and fully traffic-controlled. Electronic chips are used, and race time receipts are available at the end of the event. Awards are given in 15 categories. About 1600 runners participate in this fun celebration of our country’s independence. Each participant receives a patriotic T-shirt with registration. Awards are announced and ready for pickup once results are verified. Following the race, race participants are encouraged to stay in Old Town for the old-fashioned, hometown Community Days Parade.

Entry forms are available at the Lenexa Community Center as well as local sporting goods stores.

Address: 13420 Oak St, Old Town Lenexa , Lenexa, Kansas
Ph: 913-477-7130 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Participants $30 day of

12 Annual Moonlight Bike Ride - Imagine the sight, as hundreds of lighted bikes come riding toward you along the streets of Lenexa-at midnight. That's just what happens when the City of Lenexa and the Lenexa Optimist Club host their annual Moonlight Bike Ride.

The fun begins in Old Town Lenexa as hundreds of riders prepare for this pleasant evening or early morning ride. Participants include families, children, youth groups, corporate groups, and avid bike enthusiasts. Bikers choose either the 12.2 mile course which includes the newly opened subsurface Meritex Executive Park or the shorter 9.2 mile course. Aid stations are set up along the course to provide riders a chance to catch their breath. Riders finish back in the Old Town area with refreshments and prizes.

Many volunteers along with the Lenexa Police Department monitor the route to keep it safe for the riders. Each registrant must have a front light, rear reflector and must wear a helmet. Bike safety is strictly enforced.

This fun event began in 1996 and won the coveted "Best Program Award" in 1997 by the Kansas Recreation and Parks Association. Route maps are available at the Lenexa Community Center.

Ph: 913-477-7130 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Day of - $25 Adults; $20 Children 12 and under


2KS0503005e014 - Lenexa Tails on the Trails Pet Festival - Lenexa Parks and Recreation, in conjunction with the Lenexa Animal Control, will sponsor a day to celebrate pets. Tails on the Trails is a pet festival that includes dog swims, pet related vendors, educational demonstrations and pet show. So bring your pet to compete in the pet/owner look-a-like contest, take Fido for a swim or find some great pet merchandise.

Animal Haven
Gentle Dog Training
Critter Control
KC Herpetological Society
Jo. Co. Barking Club

Some services provided that require a fee are: pet micro chips, pet licenses, rabies shots, pet merchandise for sale, food for owners, etc.

Dog swims will begin at 9:00 a.m. and last 45 minutes. For more information about this event call the Lenexa Community Center Office at 913-541-0209.

9 a.m. - large dogs
10 a.m. - small dogs
11 a.m. - large dogs
12 noon - small dogs
1 p.m. - large dogs
2 p.m. - small dogs
3 p.m. - large dogs

*small dogs = 35 lbs. & under
* large dogs = 36 lbs. & over

Limit: 50 dogs per hour; call (913) 541-0209 to register - proof of current rabies vaccination and licensing required.

TIME: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Address: Ad Astra Swimming Pool (83rd & Maurer) , Lenexa, Kansas
Ph: 913-477-7130 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Participation free, Dog Swim~$5 per dog per 45 minute swim session.

8KS0503005e008 - Lenexa Annual Waterfest - Waterfest is the City of Lenexa's water celebration! This annual event is sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department and the Watershed Management Division of Public Works. This fun filled family event includes free concessions, paddleboats, water slides, wacky water games, fishing, educational booths, a live band and MORE!

Address: Sar-Ko-Par Park. , Lenexa, Kansas
Ph: 913-477-7100 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Free


30KS0503005e009 - Lenexa Spinach Festival - The Spinach Festival began in the early 1980's as an opportunity for the Lenexa community to celebrate its heritage. The Spinach Festival celebrates Lenexa's earliest claim to fame as the "Spinach Capitol of the World" during the 1930's. Belgian farmers grew spinach in the Lenexa area and shipped it out by rail. The Depot was used to ship the spinach to the canneries of New York and Chicago during the 1930's. The City of Lenexa was also established in the middle of several old wagon trails that criss-crossed the area. The Spinach Festival rolls all of the history surrounding Lenexa into a fun celebration. The celebration begins on Saturday at 10:00 a.m.

On Saturday over 100 arts, craft and antique booths will be set up. A fun filled days of activities is planned for the whole family. Popeye and Olive Oyl will arrive on a vintage 1930's Belgian farm truck to mix the world's largest spinach salad. The festival will showcase area trails history emphasizing realistic historic presentations and performances of American Indians, the Civil War, mountain men, immigrant trails, the Santa Fe Trail, and prairie agriculture. Numerous activities for all including, petting zoo, games, quilt show, antique tractor display, green rock skipping, cane pole fishing, paddle boats and more. The finale for this day of community fun comes at 5:00 pm with a quilt drawing from the Lenexa Historical Society.

The Lenexa Spinach Festival explodes across Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park each year on the first Saturday after Labor Day.

Address: 14907 W 87th St, Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park , Lenexa, Kansas
Ph: 913-541-0209 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: $1.00 admission.

18 Annual Golf Classic - The Lenexa Chamber of Commerce along with Corporate Partner EVEREST Connections are hosting an incredible golf tournament. The tournament begins at 11:30 a.m. at Falcon Ridge Golf Course. After the tournament has been played, there will be an awards dinner, starting at 6 p.m. For more information or to register for either tournament call the Chamber.

Address: Falcon Ridge Golf Club, 20200 Prairie Star Parkway , Lenexa, Kansas
Ph: 913-888-1414 (Always call and confirm events)


10 - 11KS0503005e010 - Lenexa Annual Chili Challenge - There are 65 teams competing in two divisions: Competition (C.A.S.I.) Chili and Home Style Chili. In 1999 a Salsa Division was added that has been very popular. Chili contestants show up Friday afternoon and begin setting up their booth space. The festivities begin at 8:00 pm Friday night with live music and activities for all. The contest begins Saturday at 9 a.m. and concludes at 5 p.m. with the announcement of the winners. There will be chili to sample, games, music, entertainment and the popular Southwest Fair.

The Southwest Fair will run in conjunction with the Chili Challenge. There will be craft booths selling items that have a southwest United States theme. This includes Indian and Indian-style arts and crafts, chili pepper items and things related to chili.

The 2001 Williams Foods Chili Challenge included the second annual Lenexa Chili Chase. This 1 mile Family Fun Run/Walk benefits Juvenile Diabetes. A $2.00 fee will be charged for all participants, with refreshments being served after the walk. All children will receive a walk packet and a certificate. T-Shirts will be available to purchase the day of the event. Call the Lenexa Community Center for more information (913) 541-0209.

The Williams Foods Chili Challenge is always held on the third Saturday of October each year. The contest is held in Old Town Lenexa (the corner of Santa Fe Trail Drive and Pflumm Road).

If you are interested in competing, being a judge, having a booth in the Southwest Fair, or want more information, call the CHILI HOTLINE at 913-541-8592.

Fri 8-10pm; Sat 9am-5pm

Ph: 913-477-7130 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: $1 per adult. Children under 12 free.

16KS0503005e011 - Lenexa Enchanted Forest - Lenexa’s Enchanted Forest has something to delight even the smallest Halloween revelers.

For one night only, the newly renovated Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park will be transformed into the “Enchanted Forest.” This year’s event will be held on Thursday, Oct. 26 (inclement weather date is Oct. 25), from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park (87th & Lackman). Free event parking is available at Indian Trails Aquatic Center (87th & Greenway) and Cedar Ridge Christian Church (8835 Lackman).

Admission is free. Visitors will enjoy free activities including performances by marionette puppets, magicians and singers along the trail around Rose’s Pond and fun photos in the photo booth. Stroll the seasonal displays, visit friendly characters and enjoy performances at your leisure – no long lines this year.

For additional fun and excitement, kids 12 and under may also purchase a wristband that allows them unlimited access on the hair-raising hayride, inflatables and for the mini-pumpkin decorating activities. Thanks to the support of our generous sponsors, the wristband fee has been reduced to $3 per child. Wristbands may be purchased at the info booth, pumpkin decorating and hayride activities.

Ph: 913-477-7130 (Always call and confirm events)

17 - 18KS0503005e024 - Lenexa The Market - Home Décor, Artisan Extravaganza and Cookie Café - Many vendors will display finely crafted items such as jewelry, home decor, holiday decorations, furniture, clothing and much more. After browsing, enjoy a free cup of coffee or hot cider at the Cookie Cafe where a wide assortment of homemade cookies and candy will be available for purchase. Admission is FREE! We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, 10 am to 8 pm
Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm

Address: 12600 W 87th Street Parkway , Lenexa, Kansas
Ph: 913-541-2600 (Always call and confirm events)


18 Band Extravaganze Art-Craft-Ecletic used items - The Band Extravaganza–is an eclectic assortment of Fine Art, Crafters, Vendors, Home-made Pies and Breads, Antique and Collectable Garage Sale, Breakfast from Chris Cakes, Barbeque Lunch and Children's Activities.

This fun event benefits the De Soto High School Band. Indoor Booth Fee is $40 with 15% of sales donated to the Band for their upcoming Band Trips. Event is held Saturday from 8 to 4, with set-up Friday evening from 6:30pm to 10pm (with optional Saturday morning 6am-8am).

De Soto has many fine artists and our community is very supportive of them...and our event is right on the brink of the Holiday Season.

Address: Mill Creek Middle School, 8001 Mize Blvd. Lenexa, Kansas , Lenexa, Kansas
Ph: 913-583-1857 (Always call and confirm events)
Fax: 913-583-1857
Fee: Free

25KS0503005e022 - Lenexa Annual British Faire - Join the Daughters of the British Empire for their annual fundraiser. Shop for a variety of British goods, foods & cheese, tea, Celtic & Scottish jewelry, antiques, books and holiday goods. Entertainment provided by local dancers, musicians, jugglers, face painters and more. Children's activities. Visit with members of local British clubs. A visit by a Queen and her Court. Enjoy Afternoon Tea served by our members. (11am to 2:45pm) - $14.00 for the tea includes admission. But come early. The Tea sells out fast!

10:00AM to 4:30PM

Address: 13420 Oak Street, Lenexa, KS (93rd & Pflumm) , Lenexa, Kansas
Fee: $1 kids 12 & under / $4 Adults / $14.00 for the Tea includes admission


21KS0503005e013 - Lenexa Sar-Ko Aglow - Old Towne Lighting Ceremony - Bundle up and enjoy a stroll through the park while taking in the spectacular lights, sipping hot cocoa and listening to carolers. Santa will also be on hand to hear children's holiday wishes.

Holiday lights will officially be switched on at 6 p.m. After that, enjoy local caroling groups from Rising Star, Holy Trinity and Cedar Ridge Christian Church around Roses Pond. Kids can visit with Santa in the Gazebo. Hot drinks will be served on the Legler Barn Museum parking lot. 6 - 7pm.

Address: Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park , Lenexa, Kansas
Ph: 913-477-7100 (Always call and confirm events)

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Legler Barn Museum Complex

The LEGLER BARN MUSEUM houses the history of the city of Lenexa and the area. Built in 1864 by the early Lenexa resident Adam Legler, the Legler barn is one of the few stone barns still in existence in Kansas. It was originally situated on the Santa Fe Trail at the corner of 95

Lenexa, KS Museums

Santa Fe Trail Marker

This marker, set by The Daughters of the American Revolution and the state of Kansas in 1906

Lenexa, KS Historical Markers

Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park

The Legler Barn Museum Complex is located in Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park. This 53 acre park features Rose'

Lenexa, KS Recreation

Old Town Lenexa

This is the site of the old town, as it appears today, where the Santa Fe Trail passed through Lenexa. The buildings still stand as a reminder of the beginning, the coming of the railroad, and the establishment of commerce that has brought prosperity to the descendants of these pioneers.

Lenexa, KS Historic Downtowns

Historic Lackman-Thompson Estate

The promise of opportunity and freedom brought many brave individuals to American shores in the late 1800s, including German immigrants, Margaretha and William Lackman. Their hope: to build the home ... the fortune ... the future of their dreams in a new and exciting land.

Lenexa, KS Historic Homes

Things to do near Lenexa, KS

Leavenworth Country Club

Course Access: PrivateHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: Yes...

KC Strings Violin Shop

Nationally known for making beautiful string music, KC Strings is a full-service violin shop serving student to professional ...