A stay at the Englishman's Bed and Breakfast offers the visitor a taste of the colonial period during the early years of our nation (Washington was President when the house was built)
Cherryfield, ME BusinessesPhotographs of early Cherryfield. Tools & household items of 1850-1920 era. Genealogical information. Open July and August Wednesdays and Fridays 1:00 to 4:00
Cherryfield, ME Historical SocietiesLocal Health Food Store with a organic eatery and offering wireless internet...
The lodge offers several nice rooms and common areas. The "camps" (five) are right on the lake. Some have screen po...
We rent canoes and kayaks complete with all of your paddling needs. We can even deliver to your desired location....
RV sites, cabins, motel and tent sites on Passamaquoddy Bay overlooking Old Sow whirlpool. A full service campground with bo...
A post and beam log oceanfront lodge offering daily adventure activities and outstanding cuisine....