

Bristol, Maine

Upcoming Events in Bristol Maine


17 - 22 Veteran's Day Salute - Stonebridge Reenactors and Cub Scout Wolf Den of Pack 250 will conduct a flag ceremony and cannon salute(s) to honor Veterans of all conflicts, past and present.
Ceremony to be held at the Liberty Pole Green on Rte 130, Bristol Mills, Maine at 11:00 am on November 11th.

Address: Rte 130 Bristol Mills , Bristol, Maine
Ph: 207-563-3783 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Free

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Bristol, ME

Food and Travel Magazine

World Travel Market 2000. Send info on all states....

Maine Guides Online

Hunting, Fishing, Canoeing, Rafting and more. Wheather you want to fish Southern Maine, canoe the Allagash or Hike Katahdin M...

Native Arts

Native Arts is a store that offers Arts and Crafts made by Native people items such as baskets, carvings, Turquoise jewelry, ...


Replica of original 1793 home built by General Henry Knox, U.S. Secretary of War in George Washington's cabinet. Open June t...