

Sedalia, Missouri

Upcoming Events in Sedalia Missouri


8 Annual Pub Crawl in Downtown Sedalia - The Lions Club of Sedalia - Missouri is hosting the Annual Sedalia Pub Crawl in Downtown Sedalia. Following the parade and Bed Races, the Pub Crawl will commence. The streets will be barricaded and the open container law will be lifted within those barricades during the hours of the pub crawl for the OFFICIAL Pub Crawl cup only. And don]t worry about food - there will be local food trucks around! All participants receive a refillable 14oz. cup, one free drink (or two for early bird purchase by Feb 14!) at the Lions Club of Sedalia - Missouri / County Distributing Company Beer Trailer, a pub crawl map and some festive beads. The cup also gets you drink specials at all Official Pub Crawl Drink Stops within the barricades and allows you to have your drink outside on the streets within those barricades. All participants receive free entries into the BIG prizes (TBA)! Once you’re all done for the night, stay at Hotel Bothwell Sedalia Central District, Ascend Hotel Collection located right in the heart of Downtown Sedalia and mention "Pub Crawl" for a discounted room! Cost (Tickets available at link above OR day of): Early Bird (avail thru Feb 14): $20 + 2 free drink tickets for the Lions Club Beer Trailer + 3 free prize entries* General Admission (avail Feb 14-March 14): $25 + 1 free drink ticket at the Lions Club Beer Trailer + 1 free prize entry* T-Shirt: $10 (purchase day of - not available for pre-sales) Schedule for March 14: 11am St. Pat’s Parade (VFW Post 2591 runs this, contact them for more info) ~12PM (directly following parade) - Bed Races (Lions Club of Sedalia - Missouri is running the bed races this year - more info to be posted soon!) 11am-3pm Pub Crawl check in / day of ticket purchase ~12PM (directly following parade) - 7:00pm Pub Crawl Barricades go up for Open Container 5pm Drawing for prizes*! (need not be present to win) Check-in Location: Inside the Fox Theater Event Center Each individual will receive a crawl package at check-in (this includes wrist bands, The Sedalia Lions Club is not responsible for accidents. All crawl participants must obey the barricades and event regulations. Participants may only have open containers if it is inside the OFFICIAL Pub Crawl Cup and inside the Pub Crawl Open Container Area Boundaries from 12pm-7pm.

Ph: 660-287-0884 (Always call and confirm events)


28 - 31 Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival - The festival is held annually in Sedalia, Missouri and provides fabulous entertainment featuring top musicians for more than 6,000 visitors. Ragtime concerts, music hall shows, symposia, tea dance, historic presentations, get-together, contests, etc.

Address: Historic Downtown. , Sedalia, Missouri
Ph: 866-218-6258 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Free and Paid Venues


6 - 8 Hot Air Balloon & Kite Festival - The kites of Great American Kites & Events will take flight with awe-inspiring mega kites, power kites, stunt kites, and more! There will be 28 hot air balloons for an amazing glow.

Ample parking for guests available on the Missouri State Fair Ground across from the Matthewson on the Fairway.

Address: Missouri State Fairgrounds , Sedalia, Missouri
Ph: 660-826-2222 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Free Entry

13 - 14 My Car Swap Meet - Annual Automotive Swap Meet. All makes of car, truck, motorcycle, race cars, rat rods, car parts, signs, toys, bicycles.

Address: Missouri State Fairgrounds , Sedalia, Missouri
Ph: 660-596-3338 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: $5.00 general admission, $50.00 vendor spot


7 - 17 Missouri State Fair - Celebrate the traditions of our family farms and experience the magic entertainment! Join us in Sedalia as the fair grounds opens its gates for 11 days of show casing the best of the best in the state of Missouri. The Missouri State Fair is proud to continue a winning tradition of presenting big name entertainment along with a magni cent mile of midway fun, competitive livestock shows, and hundreds of fascinating exhibits. Our Grandstand concerts feature the nation's top musical talents. The superstars can be seen at 7:30 each evening.

Address: 2503 W. 16th St. , Sedalia, Missouri
Ph: 800-422-3247 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Admission varies


20 West Central Missouri Vintage Auto Club Annual Classic Car Show - The West Central Missouri Vintage Auto Club will present their annual Classic Car Show Saturday from 9 a.m., to 3 p.m., rain or shine, in downtown Sedalia. Over 60 awards, Silent Auction, Door Prizes, 50-50. Food Vendors on site.

Registration will be from 8 to 11 a.m. Judging begins at 9a.m. an award ceremony at 2 p.m.

Entry fee is $20 each.

Address: Fairgrounds , Sedalia, Missouri
Ph: 660-826-2033 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Entry fee is $20


6 Annual Sedalia Chamber Christmas Parade - The Annual Sedalia Chamber Christmas Parade will be held in Downtown Sedalia (along Ohio Street between 7th Street and Main) from 6-9 p.m.. We hope you will make plans to attend or participate in this wonderful holiday event! Applications for participants available October 1st. After the parade make plans to do some holiday shopping or enjoy one of our fine restaurants.

Address: Downtown/various locations. , Sedalia, Missouri
Ph: 660-826-2222 (Always call and confirm events)
Fax: 660-826-2223
Fee: Free

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Bothwell Lodge State Historic Site

A turn-of-the-century "Castle on the Hill." Bothwell Lodge represents early 20th-century living and arts and crafts architecture. This castlelike building was constructed between 1897 and 1928 for a prominent Sedalia lawyer, John Homer Bothwell.

Sedalia, MO Famous Homes

Pettis County Historical Society Museum

The Pettis County Historical Society was founded in 1943 to preserve the rich and vast history of Pettis County, Missouri. For almost 60 years the Historical Society maintained historical exhibits and artifacts in the Pettis County Courthouse until their move into a new facility in 2004

Sedalia, MO Museums

Things to do near Sedalia, MO

Bristle Ridge Winery

Winery sits on a hill with a panoramic view of vineyards and countryside. Picnic on patio....

Historic Plaza Theatre

This recently restored theatre offers art and culture along with weekly entertainment....

Old Drum Memorial

The statue is a replica of Old Drum. On the front of the base is the "Eulogy to the Dog" as given by Senator George Vest....