

Jarvisburg, North Carolina

Upcoming Events in Jarvisburg North Carolina


6 Currituck Food and Wine Festival - Wine Tasting from all 3 Currituck Vineyards and Live Music by Regional Recording Artist Pico vs. Island Trees and others. Food will be available from several Currituck restaurants including fresh local seafood and barbecue. Sign up for The Great Currituck Grape Stomp, a once-a-year chance to get your feet wet (literally) and win valuable wine and prizes!!!

Address: Cotton Gin, Jarvisburg
6957 Caratoke Hwy
Jarvisburg, NC 27947 , Jarvisburg, North Carolina
Ph: (252)491-2387 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Fee

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Jarvisburg, NC

Dixieland Motorsports Complex

Enjoy one site with three racetracks for stockcar, go-cart and motorcycle with Stockcars on Friday, go-carts on Saturday and ...

Cashie Wetlands Walk

Boardwalk in a natural wetlands environment with cypress trees and other swampland flora. Walk takes visitor to the edge of t...