Sparta, North Carolina
Upcoming Events in Sparta North Carolina
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Annual Sparta-Alleghany VFD Poker Run
- Registration for the run will be at 9:00 am and leave out at 10:00 am. Door prizes will be given away. Free lunch will be provided. Cash prizes are $50 Best Hand and $25 Worst Hand. Costs for ride are $15 Rider and $10 Passenger. Bikes, cars, and trucks all welcome. Address: 64 Cox Street, Sparta NC 28675 , Sparta, North Carolina |
13 - 14 |
Southeast Pro Rodeo
- Bull riding pictures available Friday and Saturday with 2600 lb Brahman bull. This rodeo has performed at the Dixie Classic Fair for the last 24 years. Gates open at 6p show 8p. Sponsored by Lions Club. Address: County Fairgrounds, Sparta, NC , Sparta, North Carolina |
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Fourth of July Parade
- This small mountain town loves a parade and just about everyone from the town and surrounding communities line up along Main Street to watch the color guard, floats, fire trucks, old cars and marchers. Fireworks on the 4th. Take I-77 to exit 83 (northbound traffic only) or exit 85 (north- or southbound traffic) and follow US 21 north 30 miles up the mountain to Sparta. Address: Main Street, Sparta, NC from Sparta Elementary School to Blue Ridge St |
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Alleghany County Fiddlers Convention
- Mountain musicians and groups compete in this 2-day event at the County Fairgrounds. Camping available on site beginning Wednesday before the festival. Begins 5 p.m. on Friday and 10 a.m. Saturday. Take I-77 to exit 83 (northbound traffic only) or exit 85 (north- or southbound traffic) and follow US 21 north 30 miles up the mountain to Sparta. Fairgrounds 1.5 miles beyond the center of town on the left. Address: Higgins Agricultural Fairgrounds, U.S. 21 N , Sparta, North Carolina |
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Shrine Club Poker Run
- Motorcyclists gather at the County Fairgrounds between 8 and 10 a.m. to register and begin the run for cash prizes. From I-77, take exit 83 (northbound traffic only) or exit 85 to US 21 north and climb the mountain to Sparta, about 30 miles. Continue past Sparta 1.5 miles to County Fairgrounds on left. Address: County Fairgrounds , Sparta, North Carolina |
5 - 12 |
Alleghany County Fair
- Livestock shows, agricultural exhibits, carnival food and rides. Featured events each night. Fairgrounds located 1.5 miles north of Sparta on US 21. Address: County Fairgrounds at US 21 and Bledsoe Creek Road , Sparta, North Carolina |
11 - 12 |
Blue Ridge Mountain Fair
- Enjoy this juried craft fair on the grounds of Crouse Park in Sparta. Food and entertainment also available. 4p to 8p on Friday; 9a to 6p on Saturday From the intersection of US 21 and NC 18 in Sparta, take NC 18 north to Grayson Street. Go left on Grayson Street to next right, Cherry Street. Park is on the right. Address: 60 Cherry Street , Sparta, North Carolina |
18 - 19 |
Quilters Guild Show
- Quilters compete in various categories for prizes awarded by vote of viewers. There is no admission to see the handiwork of local artisans on display. Quilting supplies vendors on hand. Door prizes and raffle. 10am - 4pm. From I-77, northbound traffic take exit #83 and southbound exit #85 to US 21 north. Continue on US 21 North for 30 miles or so until you reach Sparta. Continue through town. The event is held at the County Fairgrounds, located 1.3 miles beyond the third traffic signal on the left side of the highway. Address: Black Building at the County Fairgrounds in Sparta, NC , Sparta, North Carolina |
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Brinegar Days
- These demonstrations and educational activities at the Brinegar Cabin and Homestead tell the story of the life of the Martin and Carolyn Brinegar family and their neighbors during the early settlement years in the Appalachian Mountains. Local quilting guilds and historical societies will have displays and be on hand to answer questions. Caroline Brinegar's skill with her loom and spinning wheel will be celebrated with a spinning bee and weaving demonstrations at the Brinegar Cabin. Activities continue the following Saturday. Take the Blue Ridge Parkway to Mile Post 238.1 between its intersection with US 21 near Sparta, NC, and NC 18 near Laurel Springs, NC. Address: Blue Ridge Parkway Mile Post 238.1 , Sparta, North Carolina |
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Alleghany Ridge Ride
- A 50-mile bicycling challenge across mile after mile of ridge top views stretching as far as the eye can see. Challenging plunges swoop bicyclists down and back up the next hill. Support vehicles and drinks and snacks provided. Camping available the night before on the grounds of the Alleghany Wellness Center. Registration begins at 7 a.m. From I-77, northbound traffic take exit #83 and southbound exit #85 to US 21 north. Continue on US 21 North for 30 miles or so until you reach Sparta. At the second traffic signal turn left onto NC 18 south. Go a third of a mile and take the fourth right at Collins Road. The starting point is about a half mile on the right at the Wellness Center. Address: Alleghanay Wellness Center, 508 Collins Road , Sparta, North Carolina |
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Alleghany Mower Racing Association Final Race
- Folks come from around the region to watch NASCAR wannabees race lawn mowers for class honors. This is the last race and the last chance for drivers to earn points toward the season championship. This race held in conjunction with Alleghany County Fair. From I-77, northbound traffic take exit #83 and southbound exit #85 to US 21 north. Continue on US 21 North for 30 miles or so until you reach Sparta. Continue through town. The event is held in the County Fairgrounds, located 1.3 miles beyond the third traffic signal on the left side of the highway. Ph: (336)372-5597 (Always call and confirm events) |
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Alleghany County Demolition Derby
- Full Size cars - $1,000 purse, trophies and MAD DOG Mini Vans - $500 to win and trophies Compacts - $500 to win and trophies We will be using the 2011 Joker Rules; if you need me to send you a copy just let me know. Drivers MUST be at the fairgrounds by 4:00pm for inspection - NO EXCEPTIONS! Drivers meeting will be @ 5pm and the first heat will start at 6pm. If anybody has any questions just contact Mike Parlier at 704-929-9629 Address: Alleghany County Fairgrounds, Hwy 21N of Sparta , Sparta, North Carolina |
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Mountain Heritage Festival
- A celebration of mountain heritage with art and crafts for sale, demonstrations, live music all day, and plenty of food. Old downtown section of Main Street blocked off for festival. From I-77, northbound traffic take exit #83 and southbound exit #85 to US 21 north. Continue on US 21 North for 30 miles or so until you reach Sparta. Address: Main Street , Sparta, North Carolina |
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Choose and Cut Christmas Tree Season
- Discover the spirit of the season with this family tradition: Travel to the Blue Ridge Mountains to choose and cut your Christmas tree at one of our local farms. Check our website for other activities in town and at the farms. From I-77, take exit 83 (northbound traffic only) or exit 85 to US 21 north and follow up the mountain to Sparta, NC , about 30 miles. Address: US 21 & NC 18 , Sparta, North Carolina |
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Christmas Parade
- Homemade floats, marching band, old cars, Boy and Girl scouts, fire trucks, horseback riders and others parade down Main Street behind the parade marshal in this traditional small-town event. Begins at 2 p.m. From I-77, take exit 83 (northbound traffic only) or exit 85 to US 21 north and follow up the mountain to Sparta, NC , about 30 miles. Address: US 21 & NC 18 , Sparta, North Carolina |
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Christmas Arts & Crafts Show
- Handmade arts & crafts, baked goods plus greenery to decorate your home for the holidays. From I-77, northbound traffic take exit #83 and southbound exit #85 to US 21 north. Continue on US 21 North for 30 miles or so until you reach Sparta. Continue through town. The event is held at the County Fairgrounds, located 1.3 miles beyond the third (last) traffic signal on the left side of the highway. Address: Black Building at the County Fairgrounds, Sparta , Sparta, North Carolina |