Standing on the grounds just south of the Fillmore County Museum in Fairmont is a Civil War Memorial "In Memory of the Unknown Dead," 1861 -1865
Fairmont, NE MemorialsFillmore County realized an economic boost with the beginning of the construction of the Fairmont Army Air Field in 1942. Hangers housed B-24s, B-17s, and B-29s and the barracks housed nearly 6,000 officers and enlisted men. The 350
Fairmont, NE Military History
Can you visualize sitting at a soda fountain sipping a frothy or fizzy concoction? Or waiting to see the doctor in the early 1900s? It's easy to imagine in the Fillmore County Museum, where Fillmore county citizens have donated over 14,000 items in an effort to preserve their heritage.
Fairmont, NE Museums
There's more than plenty of room for the whole family on this enormous swing. ...