

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Sandhill Crane Migration

Fossil records reveal the sandhill cranes have been visiting this region for more than nine million years. For five weeks each spring, visitors to the Platte River valley in south-central Nebraska can enjoy the symphony of sounds and dancing rituals of 90 percent of the world'

Hastings, NE Recreation

Victory Building

The Victory Building, named to commemorate America's victory in World War I, is one of Nebraska's finest examples of early 20th Century industrial architecture. It was constructed between 1917 and 1920 by harness maker William

Hastings, NE National Register

Antioch School (District 20 School)

Adams County School District 20 was formed on September 23, 1872. Replacing sod and frame structures, the red brick schoolhouse was built in 1902

Hastings, NE National Register

Hastings Art Galleries

Aspen Art Gallery
2727 W. 2nd, Suite 440
(402) 463-0546
    Features sculpture, prints, paintings, and art of Herb Mignery and other regional artists.

Blue Moon Coffee Co.
113 N. Hastings
(402) 462-5214


Hastings, NE Arts

The City Auditorium

Well-known buildings are usually notable for their architectural size or history. That is certainly the case of the City Auditorium, constructed between 1922 and 1924 at a cost of nearly $130,000. City fathers originally

Hastings, NE Architecture

Things to do near Hastings, NE

Historical Markers and Sites

The Texas Trail - Beginning in 1875, Union Pacific Railroad designated Ogall...

Gosper County Carnival

Elwood also boasts it own home-based, annual Lions/Gosper County Carnival held the last weekend of July. It's an excellent p...

O'Fallon's Bluff

Conestoga wagons on the Oregon Trail were forced to follow a very narrow trail between the bluff and the Platte River. ...