Grant Golf Course features a nine-hole, grass green course. The reasonably priced public course offers a variety of holes in the rolling hills of Southwest Nebraska that are great for beginners while offering a challenge for expert golfers. Visitors welcomed and no tee times are necessary.
Grant, NE Golf CoursesThe Grant City Park with its WPA structures and bandshell provides a shaded and refreshing spot for family gatherings with a heated swimming pool, playground activities, volleyball, tennis, horseshoes, and other outdoor activities.
Grant, NE RecreationThe main street of Grant has been designated a Downtown Historical District by the Nebraska State Historical Society.
Grant, NE Historic DowntownsThe Texas Trail - Beginning in 1875, Union Pacific Railroad designated Ogallala as its main shipping point. For the next decade, thousands of longhorn cattle were trailed from Texas through Perkins County.
Grant, NE Historical Markers
The Walter Klem House, designed in the English Cottage style, is located in Kearney. Historic housing stock in the city pred...