

Oshkosh, Nebraska

Upcoming Events in Oshkosh Nebraska


1 Ash Hollow Closed to Hikers - As of January 1, 2016, the Ash Hollow State Park, and Historical Park, are both closed to hiking and all other outdoor activities.

The Nebraska Game/Park Commission has opened these parks to hunting and trapping. Insurance representatives have decided the risk for injury is too great for persons visiting Nebraska parks that otherwise would enjoy hiking, picnics, photography, other outdoor activities.

This decision by Game/Park officials poses a very real threat to people who are otherwise unaware that hunting and trapping is permitted in Nebraska parks. To lose life, or limb, while visiting a Nebraska park is a real threat. One professional pointed out that traps for mountain lions are large, all traps are hidden, disguised as natural. At some point a child will step into one of these traps and likely suffer permanent limb damage.

If you have concerns about this decision by Game/Park officials please contact their office in Lincoln, Nebraska. Until then, we strongly advise all persons to avoid placing themselves, their family or pets, at risk until this decision to allow hunting/trapping in Nebraska parks is reversed.

Officials telephone contact: 402-471-5539
Mr. Jim Douglas, Director Game and Park, Nebraska
Mr. Tim McCoy, Director of Game Management
Mr. Jim Svenson, Director of Park, Recreation

Address: Ash Hollow State Parks Oshkosh Nebraska , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 403-471-5539 (Always call and confirm events)
Fax: NA
Fee: NA

1NE0704008e004 - Oshkosh Farm and Ranch Day - Farm and Ranch Day is held the third Wednesday of January each year. Vendors
and merchants set up booths, tables and displays of all sorts. Food
companies, utilities, seed companies, equipment sales and repair, stoves,
cell phones, satellite dishes, insurance, real estate, community groups, all
tout their wares. Anything to do with everyday farm and ranch life, needs
and wants. (Rural and city life, too)


4 - 5 Snowball Golf Tournement - Oshkosh Country Club Public Grass Greens Golf Course.
Hwy 27 (3 miles south of Oshkosh)

Address: Oshkosh Country Club , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 308-772-3881 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Fee


8 Oshkosh Volunteer Fire Department Annual Pancake - The food is delicious, and all you can eat. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice
and coffee. There will be a fire extinguisher and a smoke detector raffled off. 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

The proceeds from the pancake supper are used to provide materials and
supplies for our firefighters that are not covered under departmental

Address: Oshkosh City Auditorium , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Fee: Minimal Fee


15 St. Patrick's Day Dance - Co-sponsored by the Garden County Chamber of Commerce and Eagles. Irish Stew and Corned Beef. 5:00 pm.
Open to the Public.

Address: Oshkosh Eagles Club , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Fee: yes


30 Fashion Show - An amazing collection of clothes from by-gone eras. This tea and fashion show is to help raise funds for the Volunteers of America preschool.

Address: Oshkosh City Auditorium , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 308-778-5335 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Fee


12 - 13 Men's Scramble Golf Tournament - Men's Scramble Golf Tournament at the Oshkosh Country Club Public Grass Greens Golf Course - Hwy 27 (3 miles south of Oshkosh)

Address: Oshkosh Country Club , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 308-772-3881 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: yes

19 Annual Antelope Valley Pheasants Forever Banquet - The Antelope Valley Pheasants Forever Banquet is an evening of fun, excitement and great food. Raffles, games, auctions, silent auctions, social hour, dinner, and a terrific way to get out and visit neighbors and friends from near and far.

Address: Oshkosh Auditorium 500 West 2nd, Oshkosh , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 308-772-4031 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Tickets

24 Free Fishing and Park Entry Day - Free Fishing and Park Entry Day is held the Saturday prior to Memorial Day weekend. Legislation passed in 1996 authorized a Free Fishing and Park Entry Day in Nebraska. The day is designed to attract those who no longer fish or who have never fished and to give them an opportunity to do so without the need to purchase a license.
North Platte River, Blue Creek, Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Ash Hollow State Park and nearby Lake McConaughy



4 - 6 Independence Day Celebrations - July 4 Independence Day Street Dance
Main Street at Dusk. Dance, visit, find old acquaintances, and make many new friends! Entertainment for the whole family!

July 4 Independence Day Pancake Breakfast (EMT's)
6:30-10:00 a.m. Start your day early at the pancake feed sponsored by the Garden County EMT's. Bring the whole family for pancakes, eggs, sausages, juice and coffee. Delicious food for reasonable prices, and you'll be helping to fund a very important service. Held at the Oshkosh Fire Station - B Street.

July 4
11:00 a.m Parade
12:00 Noon Lunch at the park includes mouthwatering smoked beef, chips, and beans. Free will donation
1:00 p.m. Pie and Ice Cream Social (nominal fee)
Entertainment at the gazebo in the park.
12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Swimming at the City Pool
Living exhibits at 2 Museums throughout the day.
5:00 p.m Kids Games and Races
Watermelon Feed at the east end of the Ballpark following the races.
Fireworks Display.

Address: Main Street , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 308-772-3223 (Always call and confirm events)

4 Annual Independence Day Car and Bike Show - Please Join Us for Many Fun Activities. Bring the Family!
The Car and Bike Show will be held at the Oshkosh City Park immediately following the parade. Time approximated at 11:30. Participate in the Parade! Show your car or bike at the park! Join in the Poker Run!
Take part in a self guided, self paced Tour of Garden County Sites!



26 - 27 2 Day 2 Man Scramble Golf Tournement - Oshkosh Country Club Public Grass Greens Golf Course - Hwy 27
(3 miles south of Oshkosh)

Address: Oshkosh Country Club , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 308-772-3881 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Fee

20NE0704008e003 - Oshkosh Annual Polish Luau - Oshkosh Chapter #264 OES began their Annual Polish Luau around 25 years ago. It is held the 3rd Wednesday in August every year.

The Annual Polish Luau is open to the public. It offers a great time of fellowship and renewing old friendships! The food is unbeatable!

The meal consists of what is called by some a "Cream Can Supper". The makin's are put into cream or milk cans that have been specially adapted for this purpose. Bolts are put into the lids in just the right way to make the cream can act as a pressure cooker. As the heat and pressure build up, the lid rocks just like the shuttle-cock on the pressure cooker. The contents (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, corn on the cob and sausage) are layered into the can, then cooked for an hour or so. The results are a mouthwatering dish that is served with dinner rolls, sour cream cucumbers, vinegar cucumbers, brownies, bar cookies, and cakes and beverage.

Address: Oshkosh City Park , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Fee: There is a nominal fee for the supper, that is used to help fund some of the Oshkosh Chapter #264 Eastern Stars favorite charities.


29 Fall Festival - The Fall Festival, in Oshkosh, Nebraska is held in conjunction with the Garden County High School homecoming game.

Festivities begin at 8:00 a.m.
City-wide garage sale.
High School students may be seen selling flowers, pennants, banners, and other items for school function fund-raisers.
Local merchants have their Fall Festival Specials starting at 9:00 a.m. for all the Festival Shoppers!

Sidewalk sales, street vendors, crafts, food vendors, bake-sales, and crowds gathered together to enjoy the festivities ensuring a day of fun, friendship, and support for the home team!

Afternoon Parade at 2:00 oclock.

Hamburger Feed at 5:00

Homecoming Game and Crowning of the Royalty.

Dance following game.

Ph: 308-772-4468 (Always call and confirm events)

12 - 13NE0704008e006 - Oshkosh Buffalo Canyon Retreat - Join us for our Annual Outdoor Christian Fellowship & Country Gospel Music Jamboree. Spend a weekend in the middle of God's splendor. A serene setting with peaceful deep canyons and whispering trees surrounded by beautiful bluffs. Activities include hiking, volleyball and an evening campfire.

Address: 5 miles South of Oshkosh , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 970-848-2999 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Free

19 - 20 Lost Creek Festival - An evening under the stars with live music and a chuck-wagon supper. The Lost Creek Festival is famous for its great entertainment. People travel from all over the US to be here for this one.
Food and craft vendors, games, competition, entertainment, parade, and more. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs! Third weekend in September

Address: North of Oshkosh , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 304-844-2645 (Always call and confirm events)


27 Annual Pheasants Forever Youth Mentor Hunt - Saturday will be the Ninth Annual Youth Mentor Hunt, sponsored by the Antelope Valley Chapter of Pheasants Forever.

All youth, ages 12 to 15 years of age are invited to attend. Hunter Safety Card is required for participation in the hunt. Youth under age 12 and those with no hunter safety card can still shoot blue rock at the Trap Range, on Saturday morning.

Pre-registration is required. Every youth will be matched with one adult. This is an pportunity for first time hunters, and those with single parents who don't have an opportunity to hunt otherwise.

Ph: 308-772-3761 (Always call and confirm events)

9 - 10 Garden County Homecoming - All day city wide garage sale, craft, bake sale and food venders. Parade and classic car show at 2p. Football game against Maxwell at 7pm. Annual Bash of the Century party and dance (for adults only) at the Eagles Club, featuring 5 to Life!! Saturday, Homecoming Golf Tournament, Tee-off at 10am. Email with questions or to sign up for the golf tournament!!!

Ph: 308-772-3223 (Always call and confirm events)


8 Ducks Unlimited Annual Dinner and Auction - Silent Auction, Games, Drawings, Prizes, Decoys, Guns, Prints, Knives, 2 gun raffles, and much more!

The money raised goes to support the local chapters of Ducks Unlimited. Part of the proceeds raised by The Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Auction go to Wetland Conservation, a major project of Ducks Unlimited, Inc.

Ph: 308-772-3761 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Fee

25 Holiday Fair - The Holiday Fair is held in November each year. Unique handcrafted items, quality vendor merchandise, live entertainment, and door prizes. You can find anything at the Shop at "Home for the Holidays" Fair!
* Breakfast and Photos with Santa Clause
* Hay Rides with Sleigh Bells
* Carolers
* Dazzling Decorations
* Goodie Samples provide by our Scampering Elves
* Lunch
* Holiday Beverages/Treats
* Door Prizes
Sign up for free drawings and give-aways at individual vendor's tables. Find that "'s PERFECT!" gift item! You wont want to miss out on all the fun and good things to eat!
Sponsored by Grow Garden County.

Address: Oshkosh City Auditorium - 504 W 2nd , Oshkosh, Nebraska
Ph: 970-371-1520 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Free Admission


21 - 22 Ann. North Platte Valley Sportsman Club Goose Hunt - The Goose Hunt is sponsored by the North Platte Valley Sportsman Club (NPVSC) based in Oshkosh. This is an annual event that takes place the second weekend in December each year.

The NPVSC Goose Hunt Competition consists of 3-man teams with a guide for each team (which makes each team have 4 members because the guide counts as a team member)
The Hunt takes place on Saturday. Teams draw for pits.
The team that gets a limit, or has the most weight if more than one team shoots a limit is the winner.

Ph: 308-772-3761 (Always call and confirm events)

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Battle of Blue Water

This historical marker recounts the largest engagement between United States troops and Native Americans ever fought in Nebraska territory, and one of the 12 largest engagements between Native Americans and the white man. On September 5, 1855, the U. S. Army's 600

Oshkosh, NE Historical Markers

Ash Hollow Historical Park

Nebraska Game & Parks describes Ash Hollow as the state's "most intriguing and unusual"

Oshkosh, NE Historic Parks

Oregon Trail Marker

This marker of the Oregon Trail is located on the walking path that leads visitors to the crest of Windless Hill in Ash Hollow State Historical Park.

Oshkosh, NE Historical Markers

History of Ash Hollow

Archaeological excavations in Ash Hollow indicate that early man used the area as much as 6,000 years ago. A small rock shelter in the side of the bluff near the park visitor center was used as a campsite by later Plains Indians for about 3,000

Oshkosh, NE

The Hollman Grave Historical Marker

It has been estimated that at least 20,000 persons died on the overland trail between 1842 and 1859. This averages ten graves per miles over the 2,000 mile trail. Of the hundreds that died while crossing Nebraska, only seven identifiable graves remain.

Oshkosh, NE Historical Markers

Things to do near Oshkosh, NE