Fort Hancock, New Jersey
Upcoming Events in Fort Hancock New Jersey
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Hallow-Marine-A Haunted Look at Sandy Hook
- Get a haunted look at Sandy Hook on this spook-tacular family-oriented guided tour featuring the Lost Pirates of Sandy Hook, weird facts about animals that lurk on the shore, and a trek through the mysterious marsh at twilight. Part of the NJMSC Family Science F.I.S.H. Program, Hallow-Marine is always a fast sellout. Pre-registration is an absolute must. 5 pm - 8 pm. Address: Harthshorne Rd., Fort Hancock, NJ 07732 , Fort Hancock, New Jersey |
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Fort Hancock Day
- Annual Establishment Day event includes tours of historic gun emplacements and Nike Radar Site. 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. Address: Fort Hancock Parade Ground, Kearny Road , Fort Hancock, New Jersey |
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Christmas in the 40s
- Visit a restored Fort Hancock Officer Row home as it might have been decorated for the holidays during World War II. Music, Christmas craft workshop and Santa Claus. Weekends, 1 pm - 5 pm. Evening program, Saturday, Dec 8th, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Address: Hartshorne Drive, Fort Hancock, NJ 07732 , Fort Hancock, New Jersey |