

Bound Brook, New Jersey

Upcoming Events in Bound Brook New Jersey


13 Bound Brook Street Fair & Craft Show - Over 200 Artists, Crafters and Vendors. Application Forms online. 11am-5pm. 25,000 Spectators On the Streets of the Downtown Huge crowds with High Income. 11am-5pm.

Address: On the Streets of the Downtown , Bound Brook, New Jersey
Ph: 908-654-1400 (Always call and confirm events)
Fee: Free Admission, Free Parking

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Bound Brook, NJ

High Point Wheat Beer Co.

First exclusive wheat beer brewery in America. Highest rated dark wheat beer in the world. German-style wheat beer (Weiss) br...

Four Sisters Winery at Matarazzo Farms

Tours and tastings on weekends....

Help Our Preservation Effort (H.O.P.E.)

Guided walking tours of the Village of Hope. Open June-Oct. the first and second Sat....

Haas Gallery

An artist-owned gallery and working studio with a continuous Gordon Haas exhibition of American impressionist art that featur...

Mountain Creek Resort

Mountain Creek Resort boasts state-of-the-art snowmaking with skiing and riding on 46 trails across its four peaks. The Vern...