Westlake, Ohio
Upcoming Events in Westlake Ohio
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Winter Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show
- The third show in its series, the Winter Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show will feature local handmade talent in the areas of fine arts and crafts! Over 100 Northeast Ohio artists and crafters will be selling their original handmade items! The show will also feature a la carte lunch items from Wagner's Country Inn as well as a wine and beer bar service during the show hours! Admission is free to the public. A portion of proceeds will benefit Stewart's Caring Place a non-profit organization that provides support to families touched by cancer. The show is still currently accepting vendors. Vendor fee is $40, and the first 60 vendors will receive a complimentary table. There on out, vendors have the option to either rent a 6ft table for an additional $9.00, or bring their own 6ft table at no additional charge. Seating is included for all 100 vendors, no additional cost. All vendors are on a first-come-first-serve basis upon approval. Space is limited. For more information email Becki, Event Coordinator at info@avantgardeshows.com. View our website at www.avantgardeshows.com, visit us on facebook at Avant-Garde Art & Craft Shows. Also, be sure to follow us on twitter @Avantgardeshow and connect with us on linkedin! Address: Wagner's Country Inn, 38500 Center Ridge Rd. , Westlake, Ohio |
13 | ![]() Address: Wagner's Country Inn, 30855 Center Ridge Rd. , Westlake, Ohio |
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Antique, Vintage & Craft Show
- SAVE THE DATE: Westlake Historical Society is holding the annual Antique Show & Craft Fair! The Show runs from 9:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. Antique dealers and crafters may download an application by visiting our website. The show proceeds go to help maintain the Clague House Museum (utilities & programs) For more information you may call. Free parking. Food available. Free museum tours. Address: 1371 A Clague Rd , Westlake, Ohio |
2 | ![]() For more information about the Avant-Garde Art & Craft Shows, please visit http://www.avantgardeshows.com. Also, become a fan and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn! TIME: 11:00am-6:00pm Address: Market Square at Crocker Park, 239 Market St. , Westlake, Ohio |
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West Side Fall Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show
- The West Side Fall Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show will feature local handmade talent in the areas of fine arts and crafts! Over 200 Indie/Etsy like artists and crafters will be selling their original handmade items! This trendy art show is something you don’t want to miss! Admission is $3, children under 12 are free. A portion of proceeds will benefit Drink Local. Drink Tap., a local non profit that works in communities to educate people about our local water sources, and also helps orphans in Uganda gain access to clean drinking water. The show is still currently accepting vendors. For more information email Becki, Event Coordinator at info@avantgardeshows.com. View our website at www.avantgardeshows.com, visit us on facebook at Avant-Garde Art & Craft Shows. Also, be sure to follow us on twitter @Avantgardeshow, Pinterest and connect with us on linkedin! Address: La Centre- 25777 Detroit Rd. , Westlake, Ohio |