

Mangum, Oklahoma

Upcoming Events in Mangum Oklahoma


14 - 17 Junior Livestock Show - Livestock show and Premium Sale & BBQ.

Address: Greer County Fairgrounds , Mangum, Oklahoma
Ph: 580-782-5502 (Always call and confirm events)


18 - 20OK0206018e003 - Mangum Rattlesnake Derby & Flea Market - LAST WEEKEND - - Rattlesnake hunt and exhibitors, flea market with 500 booths, arts and crafts, 5K run, carnival, photo booth, Miss Derby princess contest, and dance.

Ph: 580-471-0076 (Always call and confirm events)
Conquer your earliest childhood fears at the annual Rattlesnake Derby in Mangum, Oklahoma.

If you have no interest in rattlesnakes at all, don't fret. There is "something for everyone" at this Derby Weekend. The Flea Market includes more than 500 dealers, about 100 of those serving all kinds of food, including southern-fried rattlesnake at the Bite Back Cafe. There is also a rattlesnake shootout, a 5K run, a square dance, and a Big Country Dance featuring country/western music. The National Guard Armory is bursting with hand made items from all over the southwest, and the kids will no doubt burn a couple of hours at the carnival with games and rides. The "crowning moment" of the derby will take place as the Miss Derby Princess takes the throne and is forced to pose with the snake award winners and their record snakes.

Back to Snakes ... Experienced guides provide the proper equipment, train you, and then lead you down to the hunting areas where the slithery creatures reside. Once you descend into the snake pit, it's bite or be bitten--and you had better be the one who's eating. If you are lucky and prove your dominance over a nice booty-shaking rattler, you may walk away with a cash prize in the Derby Competition for "Largest Snake" or "Most Pounds of Snakes." The competition is presided over by the Derby's Fangmaster. But be warned: don't allow yourself to get TOO carried away in a valiant attempt to win the third and final category of "Most Snakes," or the recurring nightmare that plagued your childhood just might become reality. (A couple of hollow fangs sink into your flesh and inject you with venom. After you are pumped full of juice, the snake releases its grip, allowing you to thrash about a bit or run as the bitten area burns, while the rattler's venom pre-digests your flesh, until you can no longer move.) But that won't happen, right? Right?

For those still interested in overcoming old anxieties, but who would rather not experience the terror-rush that accompanies squaring off against a poisonous serpent, make your way to the southwest corner of the downtown square. There you will find literally hundreds of rattlers in open-air pits, which you can approach within inches and still be perfectly safe. There will also be bus tours leaving every hour on the hour to observe live rattlesnakes in the wild. This is the perfect photo-op for all you big talkers who feel that sitting in a bus is as close as you need to be; all you need to do is snap a picture which can serve as a future prop to embellish your tall rattler tales.

At the big red-and-white striped tent, you can enjoy professional snake handlers hosting continuous shows starring pythons, alligators and other exotic critters. When you've experienced enough live action, head over to the Butcher Shop Show and learn how rattlesnakes are processed for food, leather and medicine. (Tastes like chicken.)

Oh yeah, we thought you might be interested in an additional tidbit of information. The snake hunts its prey by using the heat-sensitive pits located just below and in front of each of its eyes. These sensors help it zero in on warm blooded animals in the dark. So, when you are cuddled up in bed at night after a long day of rattlesnake events, if you feel a tickle between your shoulderblades, don't worry, it's probably just your imagination, right? Right?

Last Weekend In April!


6 - 8OK0206018e004 - Mangum Mangum Mounties Rodeo and Pioneer Reunion - THIRD WEEKEND - The Mangum Mountie Riding Club is believed to have organized from a little group that started around 1926. The Mounties participate in activities throughout the year competing for trophies in the Grand National Horsemanship Association. In the past, the Mangum Mounties have received first and second place trophies in both parades and drill teams and have had several members win playday saddles.

The Mounties host a 3 day rodeo the third weekend in June with nightly performances featuring such events as bareback, saddle bronc, calf roping, steer wrestling, bull riding, girls barrel racing, open team roping, junior barrel racing and a calf scramble each night for children 12 and under.

Other rodeo related activities include a rodeo kickoff parade, western dress contests and dances the last two night of the rodeo.

The Old Settlers parade is also held the last day of the rodeo and a free barbecue for the settlers is held on the courthouse lawn after the fiddlers contest and other activities of a pioneer theme.

Address: Courthouse lawn and Rodeo Arena , Mangum, Oklahoma
Ph: 580-782-2250 (Always call and confirm events)


1 July Fourth Celebration - Address: Quartz Mountain Resort , Mangum, Oklahoma
Ph: 580-782-2444 (Always call and confirm events)


26 Classic Antique and Street Car Show - Trophies awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each class, plus auto driven the farthest, best of show, and special awards. Voting by people's choice only. Registration 9 to 12, 9am - 4:30pm

Address: North side of square. , Mangum, Oklahoma
Ph: 580-782-2250 (Always call and confirm events)


27 - 30 Greer County Free Fair - Exhibits, crafts, petting zoo, pet show, tractor driving contest, apple peeling contest, needle threading contest, and good food.

Address: Fairgrounds. , Mangum, Oklahoma
Ph: 580-782-5502 (Always call and confirm events)


21 Hometown Christmas Festival - Christmas tree lighting, living nativity, parade, entertainment, Santa's House, carriage rides, moonlight madness sale. 5:30pm - ???

Address: Downtown. , Mangum, Oklahoma
Ph: 580-782-2444 (Always call and confirm events)

Attractions and Upcoming Events

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