San Solomon Springs at Balmorhea State Park fill a 'cienega' (desert wetland) and the canals of a refugium are home to endangered species of fish, assorted invertebrates, and turtles. The pool differs from most public pools in several respects: the 1 3/4-acre size, the 25-foot depth and the 72 to 76
, TX Scuba DivingVisitors at Balmorhea State Park can enjoy swimming, picnicking, and camping. An honor box is located at the park entrance for those arriving after hours. Facilities include restrooms with showers; campsites with a shade shelter and water; campsites with a shade shelter, water, and electricity;
, TX CampingThe Fire Museum contains Midland's first two fire trucks and other early fire fighting equipment. Photographs line the walls,...
The northern half of the park, north of State Highway 118, has been designated the Limpia Canyon Primitive Area, a special us...
Barton Warnock Environmental Education Center offers an archeological, historical, and natural history profile of the Big Ben...
Founded 1777 to serve Spanish military garrison and government. Still in daily use, chapel stands as built 200 years ago, pre...
Historic features include courthouse (1883), first Catholic Church (1875), first schoolhouse (1883), and Zero Stone placed by...