

Alum Creek, West Virginia

Upcoming Events in Alum Creek West Virginia

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Lincoln Heritage Festival

Come on home to the Lincoln Heritage Festival, featuring performances by Kathy Mattea, Dr. Ralph Stanley & the Clinch Mountain Boys, and many more.
General Admission: $5 ($4 Seniors & $3 Children), Kathy Mattea- $36, Dr. Ralph Stanley & the Clinch Mountain Boys- $36-$42

Alum Creek, WV Other Events

Things to do near Alum Creek, WV

Free Fishing Days - Statewide

Two days of free fishing statewide, licenses not required....

Mississippi Queen at The Point Pleasant Riverfront

October 11th and October 16th- View the Mississippi Queen at the Point Pleasant Riverfront Park & Oshel B. Craigo Amphitheate...

Rock & Gem Show

October 20 - 21. 34th Anual Gem, Mineral, Fossil & Jewelry Show and Sale. Admission: $3.50 per person. Children under 12 ...

Country Fall Festival

9:00 am - 5:00 pm Steam and gas engines, CEOS quilt show, antique bottle show, sawmill and wheat thrashing demonstrati...

South Charleston Christmas Parade

Classic Christmas Parade. Forms up and begins at Oaks Field and then turns onto D St for the bulk of the parade....