Broken Bow Lake Fishing
category : Fishing

Lower Mountain Fork River Trout Season
Trout Season: Year round.
Designated Trout Area/Size/Location: 12 mile portion of the Lower Mountain Fork River and its tributaries from Broken Bow dam downstream to U.S. Highway 70 bridge. About five miles of this designated trout stream lies within Beavers Bend 259, in McCurtain County.
Bank Access/Boat Ramps: Access is unlimited within the state park. Below Beavers Bend State Park there are public access points at the reregulation dam and Presbyterian Falls.
Special Regulations:
Brown Trout Regulations (Entire Stream):1. Daily limit: one (1); Size limit: 20-inch minimum.
Zone I (Broken Bow spillway downstream to State Park dam):
1. Rainbow trout - Daily limit: six (6); Size limit: none.
2. Use of bait and barbed hooks is permitted in Zone I.
Zone II (State Park dam downstream to reregulation dam):
1. Use of bait or barbed hooks is prohibited in Zone II. Fishing is restricted to barbless hooks, artificial flies and lures only.
2. Possession of any trout less than 20-inches in size is prohibited.
Zone III (Reregulation dam downstream to Hwy. 70 bridge):
1. Use of bait and barbed hooks is permitted in Zone III.
2. Possession of any trout less than 20-inches in size is prohibited.
From the State Park Dam downstream to the Hwy 70 bridge (includes both Zones II and III):
1. Rainbow trout: Daily creel limit - one(1); Size limit - 20-inches or longer.
2. Possession of any trout less than 20-inches in size is prohibited.
NOTE: Total daily creel limit is six (6) rainbow trout, no more than one (1) may be 20 inches or longer from either Zones II or III, and one (1) brown trout 20 inches or longer.
Admission: Park Permit Required
Hours: Year Round
Address: 6 miles N of Broken Bow on US 259-A
Phone: 580-326-2366
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Come visit us in Broken Bow Lake, Oklahoma