Mined Land Wildlife Area An Outdoors Experience

April 6, 2012

Mined Land Wildlife Area —– An Outdoors Experience

The mined land wildlife area commonly called the “strip pits” is not well known
to the majority of fishermen, hunters, and wildlife enthusiasts who are within
a half days drive or less.  It is located in Southest Kansas about 11 miles northeast
of Columbus, Kansas.

It is managed by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism.  Over 14,000 acres in size,
it is comprised of 13,000 acres of land and 1,500 acres of water.  Rugged country dotted with over 200
strip-mine lakes that are managed for fishing that range in size from 1/4 to 50 acres.  Most of these lie
in Cherokee County.

These “pits” were made in the past when the area was surfaced mined for coal.  Some of the larger
bodies of water have easy access but some are off the road a ways and take some doing to get to them.

Bass, crappie, Channel Cats from pan size to bragging status, and bluegills are the main target of anglers.
There are trout stocked at certain times of the year in designated areas.

More………………….  www.lasr.net/travel/lake.php?Lake_ID=KS06lk006


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