

Flint Hills Country, Kansas Fishing

  • Marion Reservoir Fishing

    Marion Reservoir Fishing

    During the past few years the conditions for fishing have been excellent here because of unique conditions that occurred several years back. In the late 80s and early 90

  • Tuttle Creek Fishing

    Tuttle Creek Fishing

    Populations of many game fish species have been enhanced by a stocking program conducted by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. Excellent channel and flathead catfish

  • Milford Fishing

    Milford Fishing

    The following fishing tips should improve angler's success in catching the lake'

  • Council Grove Fishing

    Council Grove Fishing

    The lake has a combination of steep rocky shoreline and shallow mudflats. Two good fishing streams, Munkers Creek on the east and the Neosho River on the west, feed the lake.

  • Herington City Lake(s) Fishing

    The Lake and Reservoir offer bass, wiper,walleye, catfish etc..... Wipers Good up to 10 lbs Wipers should provide good fishing along with trophy possibilities for lucky anglers.