

Pioneer Country, Nebraska Landmarks

  • Lied Conference Center / Arbor Day Farm

    Lied Conference Center / Arbor Day Farm

    The Lied Conference Center /

  • Pan American Highway

    Two counties in southeast Nebraska are bisected by one of the nation's oldest highways - US 81, also known as the Pan American Highway. Thayer and Fillmore counties serve as part of the 17,000

  • Gazebo


    The gazebo on the southeast corner of the Courthouse Square was built as a prop for the TV mini-series, "AMERIKA,"

  • "Old Trusty" Incubator Factory

    Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Johnson came to Clay Center from Sheridan, Missouri in 1894

  • Historic HMMJ Radio Station

    Headlines in the Clay County Sun of December 3, 1925, proclaimed "Local Station KMMJ Is On The Air!" flattering success of "Worlds Most Beautiful Radio Plant."