Prairie Lakes Region, Nebraska Memorials
Wild West Memorial
At the entrance of Cody Park, visitors will find the Wild West Memorial. This is near the site of the historic Old Glory Blowout, the first spectator rodeo held in 1882
Soldiers Memorial
Located on the South lawn of the Courthouse the memorial reads, "IN MEMORY OF THE DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY, 1861-1865 and the Spanish American War, 1898-1900"
Civil War Veteran's Memorial, Gazebo Park
The Civil War(1861-1865) Statue and Marker honor those unknown dead that fought for their beliefs and for the freedoms that this nation is based upon.
Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial
The Art Gallery and Bookstore, located two doors south of the Cather Historical Center on main street, carries the country's most complete selection of Willa Cather'
Veterans' War Memorial
Located on the west shore of Lake Helen, this memorial is a reminder of sacrifices made by veterans and their families of all wars. The names listed commemorate local residents who gave their lives.
20th Century Veteran's Memorial
The 20th Century Veterans' Memorial is a permanent memorial dedicated to and honoring the military men and women of the United States who served their country during the 20