Piedmont Region, North Carolina Bed and Breakfasts DunnSimply Divine Bed and Breakfast, Inc.p: 910-892-2296 309 W Divine St,Dunn, NC 28334 GreensboroGreenwood Bed & Breakfast Accommodationp: (336)274-6350 205 North Park DriveGreensboro, NC 27401 HickoryHickory Bed & Breakfastp: (828)324-0548 464 7th Street SouthwestHickory, NC 28602 MebaneThe Old Placep: 919-563-1733 1600 Saddle Club Rd.Mebane, NC 27302 Pleasant GardenWalnut Lane, Inc. p: 336-674-7093 7119 Racine RoadPleasant Garden, NC 27313 SeagroveDuck Smith House Bed & Breakfastp: 336-873-7099 465 North Broad StreetSeagrove, NC 27341 Shelby Morgan and Wells Bed & Breakfastp: 4434634046 400 North Morgan StreetShelby , NC 28150 Siler CityHeartfriends Inn Bed and Breakfastp: 919-663-0407 4389 Siler City/Snow Camp RoadSiler City, NC 27344 WendellThe Samuel Thomas House Bed and Breakfastp: 919-374-9647 3501 Wendell Blvd.Wendell, NC 27591 YadkinvilleVintage Inn Bed and Breakfastp: 336-677-2080 705 East Main StreetYadkinville, NC 27055