Connecticut Gardens
Pardee Rose Gardens
Over 50 varieties of roses, peak bloom June and July;
White Flower Farm
Ten acres of display gardens, peak bloom June-Sept., nationally known English Tuberous Begonias;
Glebe House & Gertrude Jekyll Garden
18th-century (c.1750) gambrel-roofed house; period furniture; national birthplace of the Episcopal Church;
Logee's Greenhouses
Distributor of fine container plants since 1892 by the Logee family. Over 1,500 varieties of indoor tropical plants including rare herbs, geraniums; 400
Martha's Herbary
Extensive display gardens, sunken medicinal gardens, pet cemetery dating to 1889
Elizabeth Park Rose Gardens
First municipal rose garden in the country;
Comstock, Ferre & Co.
One of Connecticut's oldest garden center and the oldest continuously operating seed company in the U.S. (since 1820)
Sundial Gardens
Formal gardens include a 17th-century-style Knot garden, 18th-century-style garden, topiary garden, fountains, arbors and vistas. Herb, tea shop; tea tastings and talks;
Gazebo Gardens
Over 30