Quassy Amusement & Waterpark
category : Amusement Parks
Quassy Amusement & Waterpark in Middlebury, CT, has more than 20 rides, including the award-winning Wooden Warrior roller coaster. The waterpark features 16 slides, interactive play area with huge tipping bucket and a splash pad. New for 2022 is Rocket Rapids, the first water coaster in the state. Quassy also has a beach on Lake Quassapaug, paddle boat rentals, redemption arcade, restaurant, midway games and catered outing facilities. For more information visit quassy.com
Admission: Rides prices vary, parking fee $5.
Hours: Memorial Day-Labor Day, Sun.-Thu. 11-8, Fri.-Sat. 11-10. Weekends only in late-Apr. and Sept.-early-Oct.
Address: 2132 Middlebury Road
Phone: 203-758-2913
Our Website:www.quassy.com
Come visit us in Connecticut, Connecticut