Postrock Limestone Courtyard
category : Arts
A three million acre formation in central Kansas is known as post rock limestone. Cutting of this post rock grew out of the uniqueness of the land and the needs and inventiveness of early settlers. From 1870-1920, limestone was the only building material used in this area. By the mid 1880s, fence post quarrying was added to the farming routine. Limestone assisted settlers to create a sign of permanence and progress in this area. Maybe you or your ancestors quarried stone for a home, barn, bridge, school or corral. Active stone masons can still be found in the Lucas area who custom make artwork out of limestone.
To preserve the heritage of building with limestone, the Grassroots Art Center staff has been documenting post rock design work in Russell and surrounding counties, and have developed a courtyard exhibit as a tribute to the stone masons who worked in the area from 1870 - 1920. The exhibit emphasizes the architectural, historical, and cultural value of post rock limestone, and incorporates at one place a concise and concentrated series of examples of construction and design detail, showing the many uses of the stone from the most utilitarian to the ornate and whimsical.
The scale model of the postrock courtyard area was created by a design team over an 18 month period. The team was composed of exhibit designer, Chuck Regier, landscape designer, Kathleen Pierson; stone carvers, staff, and local volunteers. High Plains Masonry is the firm erecting the wall sections for the courtyard area. Bruce Jones is the superintendent working along with masons, Greg Zabel, Chris Klein and Benny Benjamin.
Admission: Admission: $5.00
Address: 213 South Main Street, North from Interstate 70, Exit 206, 17 miles on K-232 Highway
Phone: 785-525-6118
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Art Center Hours:
May-September, Mon-Sat 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday 1 to 5 pm
October - April, Mon, Thur-Sat 10 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm
Sunday 1 pm to 4 pm
Closed holidays, winter months
Guided Tours/Handicapped Accessible
Come visit us in Kansas, Kansas