Meade County Historical Museum
category : Museums
The Meade County Historical Museum offers a glimpse into the lives of early Meade County settlers with stories and memorabilia from the frontier days. The museum boardwalk includes replicas of scenes from the past such as a sod house, general store and blacksmith shop. The museum also hosts an extensive collection of railroad memorabilia and artifacts from a local archeological dig.
The museum\'s outdoor display, which is 1 block east and 1/2 block south of the museum, includes the Sunnydale one room school house, a windmill and early farm equipment.
Admission: Free Admission
Hours: OPEN year round, Tuesday - Saturday, 10-5, Sunday 1-5.
Address: 200 East Carthage St. - One block east of the stoplight on Highway 54
Phone: 620-873-2359
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