

Searsport Rug Hooking

category : Other Attractions
Searsport Rug Hooking is Maine's, even the countries, largest rug hooking studio. We are filled with everything needed to hook primitive rugs. We carry rug hooking supplies including Townsend & Fraser cutters, Our own extra wide linen, kits, frames and patterns galore. Our frames and hand turned rug hooks are made right here in Maine. We are located in a very old center chimney cape built in 1790. The beehive ovens and old grain painting are just part of the atmosphere. With 5 fire places and room after room filled with hooked rugs and supplies you will want to spend hours exploring this age old craft and building. We offer classes and workshops for all levels and even a rug hooking cruise! We are open year round and it is worth the trip

Address: 396 East Main Streeet
Phone: 207-548-6100

Come visit us in Maine, Maine